Snow Storm

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I sighed and let my heart ache as I silently watched Marik and Malik get on with snuggling. It wasn't as if I wasn't used to their fluffy relationship - although I'm sure it was more than just cuddles in the bedroom...that's another topic entirely though.

I sat and drank my almost cold tea. I had actually forgot it existed, my thoughts occupied anything else that I may have done at the time. My face turned into a frown as I felt the semi-cold liquid touch my lips. I'd like to admit that I wasn't really fazed by it, but I was. 

As I slowly put the now empty cup down, I saw Bakura quietly enter and sit down beside me. He was wearing some worn-out jeans and a long black jumper, and his hair was more of a mess than usual. It seemed as though his hair itself wrestled with a bear or something. A very small bear.

"Bakura!" Marik grinned, sitting up instantly when he saw his friend.

"Ugh," Bakura just sighed in annoyance. 

"You took your time," The blonde huffed, "How long does it take someone to get dressed?"

"As long as takes you to get your make-up on."

Bakura hit a nerve. Ouch. Poor Marik.

"It's NOT make-up!"

"Sure it isn't, and I can fly."

"Grrr..." Marik looked as if he was about to burst. His cheeks were red with embarrassment and he had his fist clenched in a deadly position.

"Guys not in the living room..." I sighed, standing up and hitting both males with the cushions. "If you want to fight do it outside or in Bakura's bedroom."

"Why my bedroom?" Bakura glared at me.

"It's a mess." I stated calmly, placing the cushions back in their places while earning a glare from both Bakura and Malik. Maybe I shouldn't have hit Marik with the cushion...

Malik placed Marik onto his lap and pet his head where I had hit him with. Marik loved the attention, and I had to resort to letting out a large sigh. A cushion to the head, with my strength, wouldn't even hurt. Malik really was overprotective over him, more so than I had originally thought anyway. 

My mind hurt thinking about what would happen if someone to even poke Marik with a stick and leave a small mark of dirt, so I decided to go and top up my tea. I took the cup with me as I went to the kitchen, leaving the three in the living room to talk. From what I heard, Marik was bugging Bakura to no end and he couldn't get a word in edgewise. Malik occasionally had something to say. 

When I walked back into the living room with my new freshly made tea, I almost dropped the cup. It sounded like normal talk from the kitchen, it really did, but now they're talking about dates and going out and having a boyfriend/girlfriend. 

I decided not to intefere, so I stayed in the door-way to the kitchen and listened to the rambling.

"You should just tell them!" Marik stated bluntly.

"That's what you did, Marik." Bakura grumbled.

"It worked though! That's how you go out with someone. Just...ask them. If they refuse then eeeeeeh you could do better."

"How the hell did we even get onto this topic?" 

"You asked about da-"

"No I asked about food, you then started talking about the food called 'dates' and now we're talking about relationships."

"If you know then why did you ask?"

"Marik I can't be bothered with this right now."

"You can never be bothered with it!"

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