Beau nodded again, despite the A.I. not being able to see. That's right, he forgot Tony was Iron Man. "Can you shut off the music please?"

The music shut off and Beau sighed, falling back onto the bed. He should probably go. He'd already used Tony's water and electricity and it wouldn't be right to intrude anymore even if he was rich.

"Hey Friday, where are my clothes?"

"Per Mr. Stark's request, they are being washed and will be done in ten minutes. He has, however, provided clothes for you to wear. They are on the dresser."

Beau propelled himself forward, using his arms to stand. "Thanks, Fri."

"Of course."

He walked over to the giant wood dresser which sat next to a closet probably as big as his car. He touched the clothes, not recognizing the band on the front of the shirt. Beau shrugged and pulled them on, noting how good the clothes smelled.


He tugged on the shirt and boxers, leaving the pants on the dresser. 

Beau dried his hair with the towel before dropping it and letting his curls fall and bounce around his face. For as long as he could remember he'd always hated his hair. It came from his father, a man Beau would rather forget. Freckles sprinkled across his face, his big blue eyes, staring back at him in the mirror. 

Beau sighed and walked to the door, turning off the lights before entering the hallway and shutting the door. 

"Friday, how do you get to the basement?"

"I'll direct you. When you get to the end of this hallway turn left."

Beau hummed and nodded, following the A. I.'s directions.


Beau knocked on the glass door, watching as Tony jerked his head up, hitting it on the light above him and cursing. Beau laughed before giving Tony a small wave. Tony waved back and said something Beau couldn't make out before the glass door buzzed, signaling it was unlocked. 

He pushed the door open, walking over to where Tony was sitting in a swirly chair.


"Hey! How was your bath?"

Beau rolled his eyes back, giving a small moan. "Heavenly. Is this how you rich people live all the time. I felt like years of stress melt off of me. The red wine was fabulous by the way."

Tony bit his lip, holding back a smile as he realized Beau's apparel. He looked up at Beau, resting his chin on his palm. "I'm glad you liked it."

Beau looked back and smiled at him before walking over to the glass cases lining the wall. His mouth dropped open in astonishment as he rested his hand against the glass, observing every inch of the Iron Man suits.

He looked back at Tony, pure admiration in his eyes. "You made all these?"

Tony smirked and nodded. "Yep. They're only a few of the whole set, though. The others are scattered between the compound and my other houses, the newest and originals are still at my house in Malibu, though." He stood up, walking in front of his desk and leaning against it, crossing his arms as he watched Beau admire his work.

Beau laughed a little as he cocked his head and observed every detail of them. "Amazing." he muttered under his breath. 

Beau cleared his throat and dropped his head before letting his hand slide down the class and to his side. He turned around, giving Tony a sad smile. "I better get going. I've already used up your water and things. I don't want to be a burden. Thank you for the clothes."

Tony's eyes widened as he dropped his arms. "What-no! You're-you're not a burden, I promise. You can stay as long as you like!" 

Beau paused before shaking his head. "I think it's better if I leave. If I stay here any longer, I'll probably steal all you robes." He laughed.

Tony bit his lip before walking across the room - again not thinking - and taking Beau's hand in his own. He froze, his mind going blank as he realized what he'd just done. He watched as Beau stared at their connected hands.

"Stay." Tony spoke, his voice soft enough to barley fill the room.

Beau stayed silent, his gaze focused on their hands. Tony inwardly cursed at himself for coming on so strong. He wanted Beau to stay, that was clear but he didn't want Beau to be forced. And his own touch starved self didn't matter. He had an attraction to the red head but making him uncomfortable was the last thing he wanted to do. 

Tony started to slip his hand away before Beau tightened his, keeping their hands intertwined. 


Tony grinned and leaned forward, wrapping Beau into a hug, one which Beau returned. Tony quickly cleared his throat and pulled away, awkwardly shuffling.


Beau just smiled and let out a small laugh. "It's okay."

The billionaire smiled back before grabbing Beau's hand and pulling him towards the door. "Come on, I've got a bunch of movies we can watch, plus a ton of popcorn. You ready for the best movie night of your life?"

Beau laughed, letting Tony eagerly pull him out of the basement.

One night couldn't hurt, right?


(word count: 1636)

I really didn't expect this story to get so much attention and truthfully I have no idea where this story's going to go so instead we're just going to have a bunch of fluff and shit between Tony and Beau. 

I'm also debating if I'm gonna write smut for this story, or if I even can since I'm kinda shit at it but out of all my couples this one might be the best one to do for. Idk. What do you guys think? 

But check out my other stories if you get a chance. Love you guys! ~underrated human

(Also, fun fact, this story was inspired by a few very kinky Reddie one shots, just wanted to let you guys know :p)

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