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If there was one thing Tony Stark hated it was bosses. And social situations. And the cold. And not having enough money in cash for things. Okay so there were a lot of things Tony hated but bosses, especially horrible ones, were at the very top of that list.

The restaurant was crowd and loud. Or as Capsicle would kindly put it: Tony's personality. So it was weird Tony sat slightly slumped in his chair, playing with the napkin on his lap.

The rest of the Avengers talked and laughed around him, Thor every once in a while nudging Tony to try and include him. He was grateful to Thor for the gesture but tonight just had him feeling weird. Normally he'd be laughing and being fully engaged, making sure everyone was happy and having a good time but tonight was different. 

There wasn't anything in particular, at least Tony didn't think so. He'd actually gotten a decent sleep the last couple of nights. And by decent sleep he meant four hours but hey, any sleep was decent sleep. Banner disagreed but tony still said it was.

Maybe it was how loud the restaurant was or how crowded. Maybe it's the stupid fuck he has called anxiety. His knees kept bouncing up and down and his pants felt too tight and the tag on his collar just wouldn't stop itching. His knee bounced faster, his eyes narrowing at the ground.

Stupid brain reaction.

"Sir." Tony almost jumped at the voice in his ear but steady when he recognized it. "I suggest you try and calm down. Your heart rate is spiking and there's been a dramatic increase in your adrenaline. I secured the perimeters when we came in. It's safe."

Tony gave a tiny nod, despite knowing the AI system couldn't see it.

"Thanks, Friday."

"Anytime sir."

Tony took a deep breath and focused on his teams voices, trying to not let the whole restaurant's blend together.

Across from him, Steve sat next to Bucky with an arm around the brunettes shoulder. They were a cute couple, Tony had to admit. They deserved to grow old together. If they did that, he means. Growth was a weird thing with the serum and it was best not to speculate.

Next to steve, Natasha and Sam argued about how many salt packets Clint could eat before having to drink water and were watching as Clint tested their theories.

Wanda and Vision had stayed back at the compound, earning some well earned couple's time. Recently, they'd had a hard mission where Wanda was badly injured and almost died. Tony understood what they must be feeling so he agreed with them staying home. Not like he was actually going to force them to come out. He made sure they had pizza money and a few extra hundreds just incase.

You know. Typical billionaire things

Thor and Bruce were engaged in small talk with Thor laughing loudly and bruce hiding behind his sweater. Thor's sound attracted lots of attention as well as a few sultry looks. Thor ignored them all, pulling Bruce into a mighty bro hug.

Tony smiled at the sight. Thor wasn't on earth often but it was always a show when he was.

So that left Tony by himself, to fidget in his seat and inconspicuously check out the rest of the restaurant while they waited for their waiter.

If they were waiting for their waiter then technically weren't they the waiters?

Tony voted for shwarma but apparently shwarma three times a week was too much so instead they'd gone to a Italian place in queens.

It was packed tonight, the tables buzzing with excitement and laughter.

Tony's eyes drifted over to the far wall by the kitchen doors a few tables from them. He frowned.

Baby!~Tony StarkDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora