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A/N - So, I've now changed the book from imagines to purely a Peter Pan fanfiction. I also renamed it 'Perdita', which sounds kinda odd, but you will find out why, I promise. It'll just come later in the book. Okay, for now, enjoy!


I jerked my head towards where the sound had appeared to come from, turning so quickly that my hair snapped against my face with the momentum.

Just turning the corner into my line of site, three boys, probably in their mid-teens, were sprinting full pace towards me. They would reach me in seconds.

"Pan!" the foremost one shouted again, as the others followed quick at his heels, "She's here."

Still slightly unsteady from my hasty awakening, it took me a few seconds longer than usual to realise what they were going to do. I had escaped before - despite the fact I had only been able to do so through some strange trickery that didn't make sense to me, I had still left The Cages without being escorted or set free. That meant they were probably here to recapture me and take me back to my cage. Or maybe they decided that The Cages weren't fit to hold me. Maybe they'd realised that I'd broken out of my own accord and they couldn't leave me where I was before for fear I would do it again. Maybe they were going to take me somewhere much, much worse...

It took me a matter of seconds pick my way through this train of thought and realise that I most probably should be running wildly for my life, but even in that short space of time, the boys were already there. They were circled around me like vultures hunting their prey. Each took one side of the ground around me, meaning I was boxed in on three sides by people, and on the fourth, by the tree I had spent the night curled up against.

Completely trapped.

The boy directly opposite from me was taller than the other two, and probably three or four years older. He had been the leader when the trio were running and the one to shout Pan's name. His hair - which was an odd mix of dirty blonde and platinum - hung low over his sallow face and sleep-deprived circles ran purple beneath his deep-set eyes. His nose was long and hooked, and flared out at the nostrils a little, causing him to seem as though he was in a constant state of anger. He was clothed in an all-consuming ebony cloak, which he hugged to himself as though it was his only means of protection. This cloak had a hood which he wore almost covering his eyes, keeping his chin low and casting an eerie shadow over his face. Altogether, these features made for a striking appearance, but they paled in comparison to the mighty scar that slashed through his countenance, like a lightning bolt in an empty sky. The scar was obviously the result of a battle he had fought long ago in which he'd been the loser. Or perhaps he had won, and his opponent had received much worse injuries that a cut across the nose.

"We've got you now," he said, speaking in a coarse, gravelly baritone which matched his appearance.

Panicked (panic and terror seemed to be the only emotions I could feel at the moment), I spun on the spot, running towards one of the minuscule gaps between the boys surrounding me. I had gotten a mere three paces from my original position when the boy with the scar produced a knife, seemingly from nowhere, and pressed it under my chin.

I suppose you couldn't really call it a knife, per se, it was much too big. It was more of a machete. And a mean one at that. It shone perfectly in the little light the forest harboured, the edge gleaming menacingly, almost daring me to move and let it show me what it could do.

I stopped dead in my tracks, not even considering doing anything as much as breathing in case my throat got too close to the blade and it pierced my skin.

"Felix," a voice called. The boy with the knife glanced up briefly before continuing to glare unblinkingly at me.

"Oh, Felix, there's no need for that. She'll come with us perfectly fine on her own," the voice continued, perfectly calm despite the violent scene I was in the midst of.

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