4:Ice problems

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Jacks pov:

Well I just pretty much embarrassed myself In front of Elsa ! I did a little dance in my set when she said she would sit with me at lunch. Wait why would I do that?

Class had been going for about ten minutes when Elsa asked to go to the restroom but never did come back. I hope she's ok...

Elsa's pov:

I was sitting in class after the whole ordeal with jack happened when I looked down and saw underneath where my feet where a small patch of ice. I started to panic and I I knew panic lead to freezing everything around me so excused myself to go to the restroom. But u didn't go to the restroom I ran to the nearest closet went in and locked the door . I sat down and began to silently cry. What was i thinking this year was going to be better than all the other ones ! Ice began to creep up the walls and and in the floor! Then I began to cry angin but this to time to where you can hear. What am I Gonna do .....

Jacks POV :

Art class had finished so I decided to go find Elsa before my next class. I passed by the girls bathroom and I know she's not in there cause the lights aren't on. So kept looking I looked everywhere outside, cafeteria,gym but no Elsa . I was just about to give up when I heard quiet crying coming from a unused janitor closet I tried to open but u was locked. So I said quietly
"Elsa ?"

She replied back with shakiness in her voice "yes?"

"Can I come in?"

"No,but I will come out."


She stepped out of the closet and look like she had been crying and she looked cold.

"Are you ok?" I asked her

"Not really." She said in the verge of crying .

"It's ok." I told her then for some reason I hugged her ,tight. And she hugged back. She felt like she hadn't been hugged in forever . We stayed like that for a while . Then we broke apart and she said "thanks jack"

"No problem."



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