15: A date & First kiss

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Jacks POV:

I just asked Elsa out on a date and I'm so excited!!!

I'm planning on taking her to Olive Garden I said it would be after school but I think I'll let her go home and get ready first and take her around dinner time!

I was getting some stuff out of my locker when my best friend hiccup comes over

"Hey jack."

"Oh hey hic."

"What's up with your weird smiling today?"

"Well if you must know I have a date tonight."

"Did you finally ask Elsa out?"

"I did!"

"Good for you! Now I just need the courage to ask out astrid!" He says looking a couple of lockers down from us staring at astrid hofferson.

"Come you just need to do it already you guys are friends so it should t be that hard, and plus you've had a crush on her since like the 5th grade!"

"I know I know!!! I'll ask her out sooner or later." Then the bell rang

"I got to go see ya later hic!"

"See ya good luck tonight!"

"Thanks!" Then we walk to our classes.

I went in and sat at my normal set next to Elsa she smiled cutely at me and smiled like a idiot back then the teacher came .

~~~~~time skip to after school~~~~~

I walked out of my final class as the bell rang and I went to find Elsa at our lockers.

"Hey Elsa " I say coming from behind her.

"Hey. I have a question."

"What would it be?"

"Before we go can I go home and freshen up a bit?"

"Of course!"

We then go out to my car and I take her home.

"Ok so I'll see you around 6 ok?"

"Ok bye Jack."

"Bye els." Then she walks in her house.

Elsa's POV:

I walk in my house and see Anna sitting in the couch watching tv I go and sit next to her

"Hey Anna "

"Hey Elsa !"

"So how was your day with Jack?"

"Well I do have a update for you!"

"What is it?"

"He asked me out!!!"

"Omg seriously?!!!"

"Yes he taking me to dinner tonight at 6"

"Congrats Elsa I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks , I better go start getting ready!" I say jumping off the couch and up to my room.

I go in my bathroom and freshen up my makeup and re straighten my hair, I put on a nice light blue chiffon dress with a belt I spray some perfume on my self then slip on my gloves and look in the mirror! And u gotta say I look pretty nice.

6 o'clock finally came and the door bell rang.

I went and opened the door to see a horridly handsome Jack standing in front of me. He looked shocked at me too. We just stood the and started at each other for a minute then he reached down and grabbed my hand.

"Are you ready?"

"I am" I said as I walk out the door and close it behind me.

He leads me to his car and opens the door for me like the gentleman he is and I get in.

He drove me to the Italian restraint and we walked in together, our fingers intwined.

We go and sit at a table and we both eat out dinner , then Jack payed and we left.

We were driving when he said

"Can I show you something?"

"Uh sure!"

"Ok but you have to promise not to tell anyone about ok it's kinda secret the only people who know are me and hiccup."

"I promise!"

"Ok good."

He drove for a while with the radio playing quietly in the background. We arrived at a forest and Jack parked the car we got out.

"What are we doing here?"

"I'll show you!" He said taking my hand and leading me into the forest.

We walked a ways then we stopped in front of a thing of vines and he pushed then aside and we walked in a cave like thing and one the other side was a beautiful place that was surrounded my hills so it was like a big oval.
(A/N: like where punzies tower was in the movie just without the tower!)
There was a large pond and a small dock that lead out over it.

"Do you like it?" He asked blushing a little.

"I-I don't have the words." Said looking around us

"And it's all ours! No one else know about this place!" I smile and he takes my hand and leads me to the dock. The moon was shining off the lake so beautifully, it was perfect. I left go of jacks hand and went out to the end of the dock so I could look at the water.

I then felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a head rest on my shoulder. I turned around and looked jack in the eye. He leaned in and so did I before I knew I felt warm soft lips on mine. I was magical I never wanted this moment to end.

He then pulled away and rested his forehead on mine and said

"Elsa arendelle will you please be my girlfriend?"
My heart skipped a beat and I blurted out
"Yes Jack!!! I will!" He got the wildest smile and his face then closed the gap between us. After a moment we separated and we just stood there for a while hugging each other. Then Jack broke it and he took my hand and said

"We should go it's getting late."


We walked back to the car and he drove me home. We both got out and I began to walk to my house when he grabbed my arm and turned me around and smacked his lips on mine once more and we broke apart and he whispered in my ear,

"Goodnight Elsa .... I love you!"

"Goodnight Jack ....and I-I love you too."

He let go of my arm and I walked to my house and he walked to his.

I got inside and shut the door and went up to see if Anna was still awake.

*knock knock knock*

"Anna its me!"
She opened the door and look at me.

"Elsa your back !!! How did it go , did you have fun, where all did you go , was there a-a goodnight kiss?"

I rolled my eyes and said

"I had a lot of fun and yes here was a goodnight kiss....and he asked me to be his girlfriend!"

"Omg what did you say?"

"I said yes!!!"

"Omg congrats els!"

"Thanks , well I'm gonna go to bed now I'm tired!"

"Ok night els."

"Night Anna."

I went to my room and shut the door put on some pjs and crawled in bed. I fell asleep with a smile on my face dreaming of Jack.




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