The debris raining down reduced itself to a soft tinkling as the smell of spring flowers and rain drifted in from the outside.

The halls were deadly silent as I straightened, slightly numb, blood pounding hard through my body as adrenaline made my breath rasp. I turned in a slow circle and surveyed the damage.

Of course the stained window was still intact. Although a spider-web of cracks adorned it now, to my satisfaction.

But besides that― "Goddess."

"Yes. Fitting isn't it? You don't much like her either do you...oh, you don't!"

"Who said that?!" I half shouted, panicking and whirling around as if expecting the speaker to be behind me.

No one.

I forced my breathing to even out. The voice sounded oddly female.

Assess your surroundings, analyze the threat, react accordingly.

I repeated The Elemental's saying over and over in my mind. The one he had practically instilled into me by now.

"Me, Blessed One. We fought this morning. You may think you won, but I consider it a draw."

I looked around. No one would be in the halls at this time of the day, and The Elemental's office was down the very long hallway behind me. I couldn't risk starting a fight with my fire magic in here either. Assessing the threat it was. "We fought...?" The demon from this morning. "But spirit demons can't possess people."

"Child," Just that one word held such ancient power. Oh Goddess, what was happening? "I let you live. You are correct, I am no spirit demon. Although for both of our sakes, I would appreciate it if you kept that between us."

"Who are you?"

"An ally. A friend. An enemy."

"Why are you here? What did you do to me?"

"I am here to help."

"Who," I snarled.

The demon invading my mind laughed with amusement. "Smart one. The warlock trained you well. I am here to help you, which will help me, which will help us all."

"Something tells me you're referring to the Prophecy."

"Yes," it breathed. "The time has come, Blessed One. Can you feel it? The Virtues' demises draw near."

"And yet you hide."

"Hide? I am doing the exact opposite by claiming you as my katopagus." A demonic word. Kato meant oath or sacred, pagus meant― "Bonded," it interrupted.

"So that's what you did to me when you infused our magic together. Oath bonded." I gave a slight curling of my lip at that. "That's ironic on your part, isn't it? Now you're stuck with me."

"By choice. I have wandered through the demonic realms for centuries, following the hierarchy without exceptions. And yet this mortal world has always been the most cruel. I pity your species."

"What exactly do you gain from helping me fulfill the Prophecy?"


"From what?"

"What? Little One, it is from who. I heard your question to the warlock earlier, and you already know the answer. There has only ever been one ruling demon for over five millenniums. The reign demon, Alkor. He has sat upon the Obsidian Throne for too long...and I intend to take it."

All thoughts rushed out of my mind. Take it? From the very reign demon even The Elemental was wary of.

I forced my voice to be steady, although it wavered just so. "I see. Whatever form you had before was too noticeable and you now inhabit mine to carry out your plans unnoticed."

"Close enough. I tell you this because I intend to trust you." The demon's voice dropped to a threatening tenor as it hissed: "You will find that resisting me is futile. I am more merciful than Alkor, yes, but not by that much."

"I understand. But hear me when I say this. If you so much as hint at harming anyone besides a demon, I will not hesitate to rid you myself. If you're going to help, I expect you to know just whose body you currently inhabit. It is not a young girl you speak to. I am the Supernal, and I do not tolerate demons of any sort."

"We'll see, Blessed One. Let this be done quickly so we may part ways soon."

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