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"Hana.. what happened???" Sora came in the room and asked her as she was crying insanely.

"I want to talk to Taehyung.." Hana said and held her hands.


"Please... i want to talk to him." Hana said and placed her hands on her face.

"Wait.. i'll do something."
Sora said and left the room. She called Taehyung.

"Mr.Kim Hana wants to talk to you." Sora said.

"Why? Is everything okay? Are you sure she wants to talk to me? I mean we aren't allowed to talk.... i am not his husband after all... but if she wants i'll ask my boss about it." Taehyung said and ended the call.

Sora went to Hana's room and told her the thing. Hana wiped her tears and stared at her phone. She was waiting for his call.

"Can i call Hana for a while?" Taehyung asked his boss. Taehyung's phone had a recorder set in it so that his boss can hear who's he talking to. A bodyguard always sticked to him wherever he go. And couldn't refuse all this because this was in the contract.

"Okay." His boss said and Taehyung called her.Taehyung went to call Hana.

"Sir, why did you allow him? What if he'll marry her again." one of his man said.

"Don't worry. They are divorced now. And if a muslim girl gets divorce she has to marry someone else to marry the same guy again. I know Taehyung very well... he won't allow any other man to be Hana's groom and that Hana... or it'll better if i call her Noor... she'll never do a thing which is against the rules."

"You know about Taehyung but how are you so sure about Hana?"

"She's just like her parents and her parents had thought her that...."




"Hana?" Taehyung said and Hana started to cry.

"Taehyung...." she said and couldn't stop crying.

"What happened? Are you okay? Why are you crying??"

"Why didn't you tell me that you were a muslim!"

"Huh? You didn't know about this? I gave you the papers to read. Didn't you read them?"

"No.... i didn't. I... am a muslim Taehyung. I wanted to tell you this but.. i thought you'll not like it. I thought you'll leave me. That's why i didn't tell you and that's the reason i stayed away from you and didn't allow you to touch me. I .... i didn't know that we really were husband and wife.... I am sorry Taehyung."


"I know... it's too late. I should have told you this earlier. May be the situation could  have been different...."

"It's okay Hana... i told you we'll marry again. I'll marry you after this contract ends."

"I'll wait for you Taehyung..."'

RULES AREN'T MEANT TO BE BROKEN | KTH x YN Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora