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Days past. Taehyung did his Debut.People started to like him. We often talked but not much because of his busy schedule but he still got time for me. He often messaged me before going for practice and after coming from practice. He has fans now. They love him and the other members but he still talks to me.I try my best to keep distance between us. I don't give him a quick reply.I reply him during his practice hours because i know he'll be busy and won't see his phone.

But after hearing his song's line i was shocked. He sang
Distance and time can weaken the attraction but not love.
And in their interview they told that Taehyung wrote the lyrics. I try my best so that he can forget me but it's hard. Sometimes i want to tell him about Raza but i am afraid of the consequences.

Time passed. I tried my best to talk less. My exams came and finally i left the school. My grades were above average but not too good. I wanted to get admission in a university but as my grades were not good enough no university wanted me.I had no contact to my grandfather.I wanted to ask for money but one day i received a call.

"Hello? Is this Hana?"


"I have done a lot for you. Now that you have all grown up and are 18+.I am not going to pay your tuition fee or rent. Live on your own." an old man said and ended the call. He must be my grandfather. School would have told them that i graduated. But from where am i going to bring money for college? And what about my rent?? I just earn for my food.

After two days of thinking i decided to search for another part time job. And finally through Mina i got another part time job. Now the aim of my life was to pay my rent and eat enough food so that i can survive. Taehyung convinced to give me his salary but i refused.
I really wanted to study further but my dreams shattered. Parents are really a blessing. I worked for two part time jobs but then i started to do one only .I cook for a person and i haven't seen his face.He pays me enough so i don't have to work two times. The one thing i know about him is that he's too rich and his name is BG. An old lady helps me in making food as i am not an expert.I call her grandma.

"Hana... you don't study?" she asked me.

"Tomorrow is the last date for admission Grandma but i don't have money to apply for." i said as i added salt into the utensil.

"Go and ask BG. I am sure he'll help you."

"Really? What if he got angry and fired me?"

"No... he's a generous man. He will surely help you besides he has a lot of money."

"But it's my 7th day of working."

"He doesn't know any of his workers. He won't know if you are new or not."

"Okay... then i'll try. When will he come?"

"He comes home at late night.You have to wait till 3:00 am."

"Okay.." i said and we started to cook again.

He eats only one time at home. Breakfast is not in his routine and he eats his dinner outside. After doing all my work i decided to stay there till 3:00 am as tomorrow was the last day for admission. So i didn't go home. Grandma is the only person who lives in this house with BG and drivers live in the servant quarter.She went to sleep and i sat on the couch waiting for BG to come. Why is his name BG? Does it mean Big giant? or Boss Gross.... haha it sounds funny.ummm Baby Girl..lol he's a man. What would be his age? Maybe he's around my age or maybe he's a grown up man.I was thinking this and i fell asleep on the couch. Around 3:30 am i woke up. Shittt he must have fallen asleep or did he really come home or not? I stood up from the couch and search the home. Once grandma told me about BG's room. I knocked at the door but no one responded.

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