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I don't want to go to school!!!! What will he think of me???? But i can't take a leave .... i only study at school as i can't get any tuition.Urghhhhh!!!!
So i went to the the school. I peeked in the class. Taehyung was sitting. I slowly went inside and sat beside him.

"How much did you read yesterday?" he asked me.
"I am sorry Taehyung...." i said. I was feeling bad now.
"Do you want to read more?" he said and smiled at me.
"Yes..." i said don't know why?
He handed me the notebook and i opened the first page of it.
"The notebook is simple outside but its colourful from the inside just like you.You act tough, but inside you are a cute young boy." i said making him smile.
"This diary is only for her."He said and i looked at him.A slight blush appeared on his cheeks. He's cute. The girl must be really cute. I smiled back. I opened the first page and it was written For Mrs. Kim.
I laughed. He's too obsessed. Then i tilted many pages and on a random page it was written

Not actions.... but reactions.The way her body stiffens whenever i get closer to her.The way she breaks the eye contact whenever i talk to her in a flirty way.The way she blushes whenever i call her by her name . She never tried to approach me but with all those reactions she did!and now i am all hers. At first it was love at first sight.... but now it is love at every single sight. I don't know how to overcome it... it is just increasing with time. I can't stop loving her. It's just like a never ending maze, i am struck in.

How can someone be too romantic?? Someone can be but how can This Taehyung be so romantic????

"Did you like it? What do you think? Will she like it?" he asked me with full concern. At this point i wanted to be the girl he was talking about. From the start i wanted a man who was so romantic just like him.... but i can't.. he loves her so much.

"Taehyung.... please go and tell her... i promise she'll not reject you." i said.

"Was it good?"
"I can't explain it.... Listen Taehyung... girls are more romantic than boys are.... just go and tell her that you made a whole diary just for her she'll surely say yes!"

"That means you like it."

"I loved it!"



"What if this girl is you? Will you say yes?"

"Taehyung.... yes..... no!"i said no because i know i am a muslim.... i can't marry him.

"Why no???" Taehyung shouted.

"I don't know...." i said and looked down.

"Tell me the reason...." Taehyung sat down and took my hands in his hand and looked at me. I was sitting on the chair.

"I love someone else A lot!" i was referring to Allah Almighty. He left my hands and again stood up and sat on his chair.


"That's the same case.... she likes someone else..." he said and placed the diary in his bag.

"No that can't be the same case Taehyung...."

"It is.... she likes someone else... she'll not accept me."

"Give it a try..."

"Forget it! I don't like her anymore." he said and took the diary out again and started to write something on the diary. Half of the diary was already filled. He really likes that girl a lot. I think i should help him.

"Taehyung....." i whispered. He looked at me in shock and said angrily
"Don't do that again."
I was scared. I guess he doesn't like whispering, He scolded me before too when i was checking if i like him or not. Well... he loves someone else. I should make my chance with Raza..... i don't want him to like someone else!!!!!!

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