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Author's note: Hey people! This is an edit. This was my first book, so the writing style may seem different in the beginning. But with time, I understood stuff and changed it a bit. So please bear with it......

" Give me this bracelet please " Arthit
was happy today.  Finally he was returning to his apartment, finally he can
meet Jaidee . He wanted to buy a gift for her , he was not sure if he was going to ask her out right now , maybe she wasn't ready for it. But for now , he wanted to gift him a bracelet, so that she can get reminded of him everytime she looked at it.

" Hey Arthit we're late ! Let's get going now or we will really miss the bus !" Ohm was one of Arthit's friends , with whom arthit went on a trip for fun. He needed a break from his everyday life, and according to arthit ,ohm was the best entertainer born in this century , so he planned it with him.

"Are u serious about her ?" Ohm asked as they got seated in the bus.

A: yeah well , I guess I am .

O: AHH that's so cool dude ! You should ask her out soon ! Atleast you should know what she feels for you ?

A: I will , soon.

Arthit waved a final goodbye to ohm once the bus reached the destination. He quickly reached his apartment building, took the lift , and found Bright there.

B: "Hey Arthit ! You're back!

A: Well yeah , I am. It was a long holiday.

B : INDEED.  Well do u know about Jaidee?

A : What about her ?

B : She moved out-

"What!? Are you sure !?" Arthit asked Bright , blinking his deep brown eyes a several times.

B : "The hell I am ! She moved out last week ! I don't know where she is right now , maybe her parent's place ? Or somewhere else? I thought you knew "

Arthit couldn't believe what he just heard. The girl he crushed on for weeks is gone. She had been living Infront of Arthit's door for almost an year in her flat , and ofcourse it's been a while since Arthit started having one sided feelings towards her. They were practically neighbors. However , she moved out when Arthit went on a holiday with his friends, leaving no clue behind.

" By the way , a man has already bought that flat. I guess he'll be moving in today. And I have heard that he's very hot-"

"Shut up Bright ! I don't care !" Arthit stormed towards his flat. He was too mad to concentrate on anything happening in the surrounding. All he could think of was Jaidee , who left without giving him a word. It's not like she didn't have his number , but she didn't call.

Suddenly he bumped into someone and hurt his shoulder.

"What the - "
He was startled for a moment , am extremely hot , charming and handsome man was standing Infront of him, worried. Arthit felt something in his stomach just by looking at him.

"Hey , are you alright ? "

Arthit suddenly snapped out of his thoughts.

" Ahh seriously! Do you think I am !? How can someone be that careless that he bumps into any random person and hurt him ? You surely have big eyes but I am sure that you're partially blind , or you would have seen me coming ! Just an hour ago I came back to my apartment and found out that she left , without giving me a proper farewell , I have so much to think about and so much to do , and here I am , talking to a random unsighted  person who is going to be my neighbor now ? How ridiculous can this be !? " Arthit blabbered angrily , well he always does that in frustration and anger .

K : "Cute."

A : "Excuse me ?"

K : "You're cute when u rant. By the way I'm Kongpob , you can call me Kong. I moved in a while ago. "

A : "Ahh whatever_"

Arthit was about to start heading to his flat when Kongpob held his arm , gently to stop him.

"I don't  find my neighbor very welcoming." Kong said , with his piercing look.

A: So what !? Should I smile and dance and hug to welcome you ?

K : Actually, good Idea.

With this he closed the distance between them and trapped Arthit in a hug instantly. It happened in like a fraction of seconds. Arthit was astonished with his move , trying to process what exactly happened. He freed himself from Kong and disappeared within a few seconds.

Kong's gaze followed arthit , till he slammed his apartment door behind him.

" You've got my interest , cupcake. "

So this is my first time writing a novel and I really lack experience in this , but I need your encouragement people! I think this was a good start and I'll continue to write if I get some response. Hope you guys like it 😊😊😊


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