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Callen's pov:
As soon as we pull up in front of the safe house the door gets pushed open. The kids along with Gibbs get out and come to us, well the kids where running up to us, but that's nothing new!
„Home early?" gibbs asks me with a raised brow. But I just jump I to his arms which seems to surprise him since I never did anything remotely close to it in front of anyone.
„Sam figured it out. No need to hide it around him." I tell him still cuddled into his strong chest.
„That's Good! Means I can do that." he says and just like that I have his lips pressed onto mine in a loving kiss.
„Mm, that's more of a welcome!" I say with a huge smile. Gibbs only chuckles at me with a shake of his head.
„Well, nice to officially meet G's boyfriend." sam says with a smile on his face.
„Technically not my boyfriend." I shyly say to which sam looks at me with a confused frown.
„I am his fiancé, nice to officially meet you to." gibbs tells him with a small smirk. At first sam looks completely lost and surprised before the words slowly begin to register into his mind!
„Fiancé! Really!?" he happily questions. So I only nod at him still cuddled up into gibbs.
„Uncle G? Why do you cuddle into gibbs?" Aiden asks with a confused giggle but happy none the less.
„That's because he loves me!" gibbs tells him with wiggling eyes.
„don't say it like that!" I literally whine, which of course everyone only laughs at.
„Come here!" he says and pecks my lips. This instantly lets me forget about my bright red face and instead makes me concentrate on gibbs lips on mine.
„Well you two lovebirds, let's head on in and make something to eat!" sam interrupts our kiss with a smile that shows how happy he truly is for me.
„What do the munchkins like to eat?" gibbs questions the two giggling toddlers.
„Spaghetti!!" both of them immediately shout out excited and run into the house us close behind them. Feeling gibbs taking my hand in his makes me smile softly towards him.
„So when do you guys have to leave for work again?" gibbs questions while sam slowly starts on cooking the requested spaghetti for the two kiddos who were currently playing upstairs in their rooms.
„We are going to meet up back at the headquarters at 6 pm And as far as I know head out to the club at about 9pm." sam answers him with a sigh.
„What's with the sigh? You guys worried?" gibbs asks him with a frown, looking in between sam and I the whole time.
„No, not really! Just really really hoping to get this case over and done with!" sam tells him with yet another sigh.
„Don't worry! I am sure you get him this evening!" gibbs tells the both of us encouragingly. I only smile at the rock of my life that also is the love of my life.
„Gibbs! Gibbs!!! Can you come and play with us? Pretty please?!" Kamran asks him sweet as sugar and of course he couldn't say no to that little girl! No one ever could when she looks at anyone with her large and hopeful eyes. So off they went, leaving sam and I back alone in the kitchen.
„You know, they never take to anyone that quick as they have to gibbs." sam tells me with a smile. Nodding my reply, knowing that he is telling me the truth since I know how they normally always shy away from anyone they don't know yet. Or they are just despising them, that also has accursed a couple of times.
„So, when did you plan on telling me that you are engaged?" he asks with a raised eyebrow. Ugh, I seriously don't know how to answer him without hurting his feelings.
„Well, maybe never?" I ask him in return a bit unsure how he might react on this. His forehead scrunched up immediately at me saying that.
„I honestly don't know if i would of told you. It's just that i was really afraid that you might hate me for being gay. You have no idea how many people did leave me for that exact reason." I softly tell him. Not wanting for me to hurt him but also feeling the need to be honest with him. Especially since he in fact didn't cared at all that I am gay.
„G, Who you Love isn't what makes you who you are! I am sorry some people still can't accept things like that." he answers me just as softly. Seemingly already picked up on my depressed self that I normally can hide pretty well but right now the wall doesn't seem to want to work.
„I had my suspicions for a long time now, but then you also never seem to be interested in either gender. The only times you seem to perk up in that area it always was around gibbs. And I know that you don't trust easily, especially with my kids! So that was just the final step to put those dots together." he explains to me.
„Why did you have suspicions of me being gay?" I ask him interested since till now no one ever had any idea about that. Gibbs also was pretty shocked when I kissed him back the first time he took action. A smile immediately spreads onto my face at the thought alone. I swear I was scared shitless but than I just felt so unbelievably happy that the guy I was eyeing the whole time kissed me!
„G?" sam questions with a knowing smirk.
„Sorry, go on!" i say embarrassed that I went off into my dreamworld again.
„There where plenty women's that tried to get your attention, but you never even once shown any interest in any of them. At times you even slightly grinched at them." he chuckles out
„I guess!" I mutter knowing on times I seriously was holding myself off on punching them off of me!
„Other than that, Michelle pointed it out to me." he says with a soft smile. It makes me smile as well, knowing how Michelle always had my back in that compartment as well.
Since the both of us are finished with our talk I decide to go upstairs to look what those three are up to.
„Uncle G!!!" Aiden exited like shouts out when he sees me coming upstairs to them.
„We were just about to tell gibbs that he can't be building a ship in his basement!" the toddler tells me incredulously and with crossed arms.
„Sorry Buddy! But he sure does that!" I inform him in apology since it was obvious that he thought I would tell him that he really didn't do such a thing.
„Well, guess you guys need to come visit me in Washington to see it for yourselves!" gibbs tells them with a shrug. And my eyes widen right away! Is he serious? Would he really open his door for them? O god I can my eyes sting already.
„Food is done!" Sams voice Echos from downstairs and makes the kids run out right away.
„Baby? What's with those tears?" he asks me softly already pulling me into a tight hug.
„You really would let them come to your house?" I ask him, unsure if he meant it or if it only was meant to be a joke.
„Of course I would! You Love those two! And I love you! Other than that those two really are great kids, I do have to agree with you on that!" he explains and softly wipes the few fallen tears off my face before kissing both my cheeks and my mouth afterwards.
„You are just to Good for words!!" I tell him and cuddle myself even closer into him.
„Come on down guys! The food is getting cold and I don't know how long I can hold those two monkeys off from eating all the food!!" sam shouts up with a chuckle and a few hey's in the background.
„Let's get downstairs to eat darling!" and with that being said, he takes my hand in his and starts to walk back downstairs with me by his side.

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