Chapter 4

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-Akuma's POV

I spent the day annoying the fuck out of the triplets. Up-staging Ayato, ignoring Kanato, and teasing (*Winks*) Laito. That is until Shu found me in the bathroom with Laito, with me trying to see how far he would go to get some. What? Don't judge me! It's not like I actually did anything... much. I may have moaned in his ear and said some stuff, but it's not like I touched him or anything! For Jashins sake! What kind of man-whore do you people take me for?

Anyways, since I was ditching already, Shu decided to take me to wherever the fuck he's taking me now. Which means I, Akuma no Kenshin, am being carried down the hall over a hot blond's shoulder, with no idea where we were going, but with a view I appreciated very much. Mmmmm, dat ass. (Akuma: Not as good as mine, but still, hot damn.)

When he finally decided to let me down, we were in a music room that appeared to be abandoned. (Akuma: Thank Jashin it's not music room three! Author: Like hell I'd let that happen to you. Akuma: Aww, Author does care! Author: Of course I do! Why would I create something that I wasn't going to care for? Akuma: *sweat drops* Good point.) Then he dragged me to a couch next to a remarkably well taken care of piano for this dusty old room. Shu must take care of it, seeing as he's probably the only one who uses this room. He laid on the couch and closed his eyes, probably to sleep. I sat at the piano and thought about when the last time I played was. There wasn't exactly a piano laying around in the poorest part of town. So I hadn't had the chance to play since primary school, before I started home schooling.

I lifted the cover and took a deep breath before playing a song from my mother's favorite halloween movie. Eventually I sang along as well. Assuming that Shu was asleep, it scared the absolute shit out of me when he spoke up. "That was good, you should play more often."

"Sweet baby Jashin! Shu, what the fuck?! I thought you were asleep!" I screamed in surprise. He only laughed and shook his head with a smile. (Author: Holy shit! Akuma: I know right? A smile!)

"But your reaction was adorable." He smirked.

"Hold the fuck up. Did you just call me 'adorable'? Oh hell no. I am scary you motherfucker! Not adorable! Scary! S-C-A-R-Y! Got that?" I screamed.

"Whatever you say, baby boy." He replied, that stupidly sexy smirk still in place from before, but this time larger. This bitch. The tall little shit just laughed at the face I was making and said the one thing he really shouldn't have. "What? You're the size of a literal child."

The room seemed to lose all heat, as the dim lights flickered and the windows blew open from the sudden wind, my eyes started to emit a ferocious shade of scarlet, similar the blood the he drinks to survive. All of the objects in the room that weren't bolted down rose as if they were picked up by an invisible force and spun in a circle around me like a tornado as I started to rise with them. By this point, Shu had stopped laughing and sat up straight with wide eyes.

"You dare to question the power of my master?! Merely because of his size?! I should have your head for that!" A voice only I would know speaks through my mouth. "You will pay for this insubordination!"

"Kurama," I speak calmly. "Cool your tits man! Damn! Sure, I don't like to be called short, but it's not that big of a deal." 

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