ii. Friend or Enemy ?

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"Fair?" He repeated in disbelief before suddenly rising to stand up to their headmaster."Marina is dead. My sister... is dead at 16 years old. Is that fair?"

Again, Freya found herself giving a long, concerned look at her little brother. She knew what he was thinking right now. The situation was far too close to home for them.

Freya let her eyes drop down his arms to hear a slight snap of elastic just to see her brother pulling the elastic around his right wrist again. She looked away again at the click, causing her to wince in compassion before looking back on the tall blond's back.

"I'm not going to argue with you." Asucena replied immediately, categorical.

However, the tall blond, Guzmàn, immediately turned on his heels to address the whole room.

The attitude and leadership position was pretty clear. There was always someone like him among the wealthy. Freya had see guys like him before. She was not particularly impressed with his act of capricious king. She was more pained by his mask of controlled rage.

"From now on, just so you know, if you talk to that vermin, you are dead to me!" He exclaimed, pointing the little brown with such disdain that Freya could almost feel the crease between her eyebrows rising to the line of her hair."It's him or me!"

"It's not about taking sides."

"Yes, it is." Guzman insisted, turning again to Asucena."And you have already chosen yours."

Guzman held the headmaster's gaze before returning to his place. Freya followed the blonde's back in sympathy anyway before looking back at the little brown boy's back of the other day.

However, the click still sounds.

Freya didn't really control her next move as she suddenly grabbed her brother's hand, preparing to pull the elastic band, again. Luís fought against her, forcing Freya to clench her teeth against the little fight he posed.

"One question, please."

For a moment, Freya was distracted.

Luís immediately took the opportunity to remove his hand from her grip, allowing Freya to give him a sideways look before turning her eyes to the front of the class.

"Valerio ..." Asucena sighed as Freya frowned at the woman's obvious boredom."Is it important?"

She immediately put her gaze on the tall brown with curly hair as he jumped out of his chair like an electric battery. Surprisingly she found herself giving a little more thoughtful look to the tall brown. He wore the usual crimson red pants of the Las Encinas uniform, and the navy blazer. Except that he had rolled up the sleeves of his shirt on his forearms and that his red and yellow tie hung casually around his neck. It was a breach of the rules.

Probably the second one she has witnessed since she and her brother arrived. And surprisingly a faint smile appeared on her lips as she watched the brunet fidget in all directions.

He had a kind of insurance like no other has. He didn't really care about authority or even conventions. It was pretty obvious when he asked if there was a welcome party for new people.

"Do you think we're in the mood for partying?"

The tall brown, Valerio immediately turned to the young boy behind him before pointing his sullen face as evidence."Haven't you seen those faces? It's precisely after something as awful as this that these people need..." He spoke with exuberance and confidence as he snapped his index finger and thumb with a certain rhythm before pointing Asucena with a broad smile."To have fun. To have fun, dance, drink..."

Rebel just for kicks ~ ELITE ~ Valerio MontesinosNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ