CASTS + Chapter 1

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"Hyung, I love you.." Seungmin cried.

"I love you too.." Joochan replied.

"Hyung, can I sleep with you tonight?" Seungmin asked Joochan.

"Why don't you sleep with our parents?" Joochan asked.

"I don't want to sleep with appa tonight. I want to sleep with you.." Seungmin said.

"Okay but you need to ask omma first.." Joochan said. Seungmin nodded and ran to his mom. Joochan went to his bed and waited for Seungmin.

Seungmin came with his teddy bear and his banana blanket. He went to Joochan's bed and laying down beside Joochan.

"Hyung, are you sleepy?" Seungmin asked.

"A little bit.." Joochan said. He was sleepy at first but after Seungmin banged his door, he was shocked so he can't get sleep anymore. Joochan was a light sleeper. He could easily wake up to a sound.

"Hyung.." Seungmin called Joochan.

"Hmm?" Joochan replied.

"Please don't leave me.." Seungmin said.

"Why would I leave you?" Joochan asked.

"I don't know. I want to be with you forever" Seungmin said.

"Me too.." Joochan replied.

"But what if one day we separate. Would you still love me? What will you do?" Seungmin looked at Joochan and asked him.

"I will love you till whenever. I will find you.." Joochan replied sincerely from his heart. Seungmin hugged Joochan.

"I will love you until whenever. I will search for you too if we separated. You are my forever hyung" Seungmin hugged Joochan tightly. Joochan just smiled. Seungmin closed his eyes and sleep. So do Joochan.

On the next day, Joochan went to the groceries as his mother asked him to. He walked slowly to his home because of the groceries he brought were heavy. When he arrived, Seungmin's father was waiting for him.

"Why are you bring this (groceries) late?" Seungmin's father said angrily.

"These (groceries) are heavy.." Joochan replied.

"You can't even lift this? Huh, such a loser" Seungmin's father left him. He sighed and went into his house. He went to his bedroom and he saw Seungmin there, was drawing something while sitting on his bed.

"Dongsaeng, what are you doing?" Joochan asked.

"I'm drawing" Seungmin replied.

"What are you drawing?" Joochan came and sat next to Seungmin.

"I saw your picture with your late father. If we separate, let's meet here when we grow up" Seungmin said while he drew a picture of him and Joochan at the place he saw in the picture of Joochan and his late father. The place was in Namsangol Hanok Village, Seoul.

"Let's meet when I am 23 and you're 25, in the morning. Let's meet on my birthday. Let's meet and drink soju together" Seungmin said. Joochan laughed.

"Why are you keep saying 'if we were separated', Seungmin? You said that as if we are really going to separate.." Joochan asked.

"Appa said we are going to move out without you. I want to stay with you. I don't want to leave you.." Naive Seungmin said. Joochan just remained silent.

"Hyung, can I take this picture (a picture of Joochan and his real father at Namsangol Hanok Village)?" Seungmin asked.

"Why?" Joochan asked.

"When we separated, I can look at this picture so that I won't forget this place. At the same time, I can always remember you.." Seungmin said.

"Oh, okay.." Joochan just allowed Seungmin to take it. He had another picture of his father.

At the same time, Seungmin's father heard what were they talking about. Seungmin's father started to fury but he couldn't do anything because Seungmin was too little to understand. He went to his bedroom.

* * *

At the middle of the night, Joochan heard Seungmin's cry. He woke up and his mom went to his room.

"Omma, why is Seungmin crying?" Joochan asked innocently.

"Joochan, I am sorry. I need to do this.." Joochan's mother cried.

"Do what?" Joochan confused.

"Take this.." Joochan's mother wore him a necklace. A key necklace.

"You got the key. I got the lock. Wherever we go, believe that fate will always bring us together as long as we have this.." Joochan just remained silent. He was still confused.

"Honey! Let's go!" Seungmin's father shouted.

"Hyung!" Seungmin's crying was heard too.

"I love you.." Joochan's mother kissed him and hugged him. She gave Joochan a file and she ran out of the house. She immediately went into a car.

"Omma! Omma!" Joochan chased her. The car drove away. Joochan chased the car until it faded away.

"Omma!" Joochan called his mom.

"Omma.." Joochan cried. He was left alone. He went back to his house. Nothing was left. Only his stuffs and old furniture remained. Joochan opened a file that his mom gave him. There was his documents and also adoption application in there. His mom also left a letter said "never leaves these documents. Bring these wherever you go. I am sorry, Joochan. I love you". Joochan cried.

"Omma!" He shouted. He cried but no one heard him.

-To Be Continued-

A/N :
I hope you like this story. Please keep reading this story even it get boring sometimes hurm. If I had some grammatical errors, please let me know.

Thank you Goldenness and whoever read this! Have a good day!♥️

FANTASIA 「HJC」Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin