"Relax," Hayley mumbles before turning to Marcel who's already about to speak to her.

"Hey there, I don't know who you are but I'm Marcel." He chuckles.

"I'm Hayley, obviously." She forces a smile.

"And I'm Klaus, but we all know that already." Klaus enters the conversation, standing close to Hayley who rolls her eyes at his entrance. She hopes that Marcel isn't able to sense that she's a wolf, but he isn't quite stupid. She's a girl who happens to be close to Rebekah and Klaus. The she wolf wandering around is special to Klaus. Marcel heightens his senses as Hayley looks at him with pleading eyes of some sort.

"You're the wolf," Marcel chuckles, looking at Klaus, "What did I tell you about her showing her face again, Klaus?" He sneers. Klaus gives him hard eyes.

"My sincere apologies," Klaus says sarcastically, "But this was all my sister. It was her idea bringing her into town." Klaus glares at Hayley, another form to tell her that he was right about Marcel finding out.

"Let's not play the blame game, alright? Marcel, let's end this here by you granting Hayley freedom or whatever." Rebekah shrugs, not really sure of how this'll also play out.

"Sorry, Bekah, but the less the wolves, the less my vampires worry. You two have had many losses in the past, why would this one matter?" Marcel's eyes fall onto Rebekah this time who huffs.

"Do I have a say in this?" Hayley says in a bored tone but still terrified, raising her hand. She knows the two Originals with her won't let it happen but it's still a possibility.

"I don't think so," Marcel steps forward, "Sorry, wolf." Marcel vamps to step in front of Hayley but Klaus gets in front of her before he can. The store is quite empty today, lucky for them.

"I would suggest you don't lay a hand on my girlfriend, Marcel, or else there will be severe consequences for you and all the vampires here." Klaus purses his cheeks in anger, tightening his jawline. Hayley's eyebrows scrunch when he calls her his girlfriend but decides to play along with it for her own safety. Marcel knows killing his loved one will end in a ruckus and no avenge to their lost friendship but Hayley is not his loved one.

"Your girlfriend?" Marcel asks, also surprised.

"Yes, well, what do you think I meant when I told you the she-wolf is special to me?" Klaus arches an eyebrow at him and Marcel steps back in a mix of shock and happiness. He's a bit hesitant but Klaus is quick to bring up one of Marcel's vampires who is having a fling with the witch, who is the bigger enemy. Marcel doesn't have a problem with that, so he shouldn't have a problem with this.

"My, my, Klaus, finally found a girl for yourself after hundreds of years." Marcel laughs and Klaus relaxes, stepping out of Hayley's way who forces yet another smile.

"Hm, maybe he'll stop killing my lovers now that he's busy with his own," Rebekah mocks us, knowing it's a lie.

"She is gorgeous, might I admit that." Marcel adds and Klaus smirks at her, but his eyes show another story. Hayley knows there will be yelling when they get home. Marcel also notifies them,

"I'll set out an announcement to the vampires. This wolf lives."


When the three of them get home, Elijah is already waiting in the front foyer.

"Thanks for ratting us out, brother." Rebekah says sarcastically, throwing off her jacket as Hayley does the same.

"Excuse me for thinking Hayley might be in danger." Elijah defends himself as Klaus walks in.

"And she was," He says immediately as his eyes wander to Hayley, "What were you thinking?" He asks in disbelief even though they already went over this.

"I was going to be fine, Klaus, you and Rebekah were both there." Hayley sighs.

"But, what if I wasn't? What if Marcel noticed you two before you noticed him and ended up killing you?" Klaus argues and Elijah's eyebrows furrow.

"You ran into Marcel?" He asks both of the girls.

"Yes. But, Nik, do you really think I'd let her die so easily? I might not necessarily care about the kid as much as you two but I happen to like Hayley for herself. Unlike you." Rebekah turns to Klaus and Hayley's heart sinks. She knew that Klaus's care for her only comes because of the baby but is it also true that he doesn't like Hayley at all?

"I don't want anything like this to occur again, understand?" Klaus declares and Elijah shakes his head, shoving one of his hands into the pocket of his dress pants.

"Rebekah, you put her in danger." Elijah says the obvious in a strict tone. Rebekah groans, "Please, Elijah, I can take on how much ever vampires I want including Marcel." Rebekah bites back.

"Hayley, I hope you learnt a lesson about going back." Klaus says to her.

She scoffs, shaking her head, "No, Klaus, I didn't. But we did get one thing cleared out," She faces him and doesn't let her guard down when she sees him not even two inches away from her already, "Now that Marcel thinks I'm your little girlfriend, he's allowed me to live. This means I can go wherever I want, whenever I want without your petty rules or protection," She points a finger in his chest and he stares into her eyes with his own hard ones, "And the first thing that we are going to do to take advantage of this newly announced rule is to find my family. If you're hesitant about this, I can always go with Elijah or Rebekah, or even myself." Hayley glares right back into his eyes.

"Hold on a minute. Girlfriend?" Elijah asks, bewildered and apparently that's the only part he got out of that.

Hayley ignores his question and shoves past Klaus's shoulder to storm up the stairs. Klaus watches her go before angrily walking out the door again, leaving Rebekah to explain to Elijah on what he missed out on.


slayyy hayley lmao every time they start getting better they end up messing it all up but i cant just let both of them easily fall for each other yanno

imma be updating my other stories now so comment feedback and vote :)


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