~ O N E ~

20 4 4

C H A P T E R 1
N e w s ~ A l e r t
• Z H A L E E V A •

It's an attack, but it can't be... The lover, herself, chose to be in our territory. He agreed to it, and every body knows.

Mourning arise that noon. The howling of hundreds became a rhythm whenever the moon came above. It was a short attack, but a lot was upon death.

"This is all your fault!" my father shouted.

"I didn't noticed it!" my temper got higher as the shouts were becoming louder.

"You lost it before the war happened!"

"Someone stole it!"

My father blames me for all the problem that has been happening to our pack. My people. Danger has been attacking us every other year since the gem was lost.

"You were the one who didn't listen when I told you to keep the gem inside the office." my father argued back, not showing any signs that any of this will end soon.

"I didn't want to. Hell! No one is even there to keep an eye on that precious item!" I reasoned out.

"You f*cking demanded to make it as your necklace!"

I look down at my feet, ashamed. Ashamed for ever thinking that I could protect all of these people in my pack.

Ever since I was chosen to lead this pack, I thought that I'd be the best among leaders. The one who would make the best history among my blood line. However, chaos was the only thing that has been keeping everyone awake. And that is all because I've decided to turn our protection into a necklace.

As if to break the hot mess in the air, my mother placed a freshly baked pie on the table. "Wont you look at that, you two? I've made both of your favorite!"

It wasn't unusual to see mother act this way. Especially at times when the topic of a certain gem turns into a debatable conversation. However, I can't really blame for the attitude she shows when these moment happens. I have to admit, these arguement has been making me sick and tired. Hell! It has been happening for years by now.

A clock tics by at the counter of the kitchen. 13:30. "You two," my mother uses her fork to point at my father and I. "have been bickering for half an hour."

Not surprised...

"Well it ain't my fault-" Mother didn't care what father has to say.

"And, you see this goodie?" mother asked, "It has been reheated in the microwave. Twice." Her red, long nails tapping the pan as she says so.

I looked at my father, as if telling him to shut up. However, a stubborn man like him barely listens to anybody. So, instead of father trying to shut his mouth, he growled. "I was talking, Nenuca. You have no rights to-"

"Josephine, Just cut it out!" My mother snapped, her jaws locked together. "That gem is long gone and there's nothing we can do about it. So, please. Shut it for the meantime and enjoy this reheated pie." The annoyance was evident in the tone of mother's voice. Especially when her eyes began widely, staring at father dead in the eyes.

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