~ T W O ~

14 2 5

C H A P T E R 2
Y o u n g l i n g s

For the past couple of years, i've always had the interest and curiosity of the Moonlight Bake. Especially when people, like me, does the practices that are originally done by humans.

Whenever I visit the Moonlight Bake, I would watch as the people pour dust and liquid on big bowls. After what it seemed like the bowls have been half full, they would proceed to mixing them with huge wooden spoons.

It has always been a wonder for me why goddess Moon would give such skills to wolves. She already knows that we're supposed to be out in the wild with our paws and claws while chasing our own delicacy. Yet, she decided to bless a few wolves for us to taste human food.

Don't get me wrong, it's an honour to have them, but I crave more of raw meat. I think a lot does too.

In front of where I am standing, there are numerous of dusts and bowls. Each dusts has a name or symbol, while the bowls are either small or large.

I've never had the experience of baking nor cooking. I'm used to being that wolf who would fetch some meat out in the wild, not to mix random things like the witches at Craftonear.

"Everyone, listen up!" an elder with the whitest hair stood, "The 25th is nearing and we have yet to start baking for the younglings" she announced while looking around the room with a smile.

"The Alpha wanted to try something new, so we have to be more creative than our usual bake" another lady added.

The room started to fill with hushed conversations. Some of them expressing the excitement, while a few others said that their usual bake are good enough for the younglings.

"Now, now my fellas," the elder spoke. "Even if some of us are satisfied with the cookies, I've got to agree with the Alpha that it's getting a bit old."

"But that has been our special treat," a lady with tanned skin and black hair complained. "Don't you think that we wont have any more originality if we cut the cookies out?"


"We can't leave Moonlight without the cookies."

"Cookies are the delicacy."

"All the youngling loves the cookies!"

Everyone started to say at once. I, one of the people who was situated at the back, only watched the situation with amusement. For as long as I can remember, everyone in Moonlight Bake would agree with one another, especially when it comes from the alpha. However, that might've changed for the past few years since I last visited.

"I know that some of you doesn't want to change our cookies, but the younglings needs to have new tastes." the elder explained, gaining the agreement from others.

"Shall we start baking?" one of the ladies who's next to the elder, asked with excitement.

• • •

It has been a couple of hours since we started baking. Normally, it would take everyone to bake at a lesser time. However, since the Alpha requested for new tastes of bake, all of us had to test some new recipes. Whether it be from cook books, scribbled notes, and the idea of combining random ingredients.

Considering the fact that I was never blessed by the goddess Moon to bake, I only did whatever was told to do. Mostly, everyone baked by their own, and there were a few who had a pair or more, like me. I have my mother to help me.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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