Chapter 10: The Imposter

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Shadow had his new monsters totally under his control and they were walking to a custard facility for whatever this demon was planning.

Yeti, Cave, and Arrow were just following him as their eyes were completely black, showing that they were now his followers.

After much walking, they had made it the mountains, which was Yeti's territory. The snowstorm was gone, and it was much clearer to walk in, along with the bloody snow being completely visible.

Then, there was the droid that had served Yeti, and it was chopping down a tree with its blade arms, attempting to gather more wood to keep the fire going.

Yeti walked up to the droid and growled, showing it that he had returned.

The robot turned and then quickly and nervously bowed. "M-Master! It's an honor to have you return! I have been doing what you asked of m-me!!"

Shadow laughed and then teleported to the droid. "I'm afraid your 'master' serves me now, and you will as well, Unit 437."

Unit 437 quickly got to his feet and began backing up, scared of the new monster that his former master brought with him.

"Hmm...Strange. You're different from the other robots." Shadow observed, teleporting behind Unit 437 and looking at him, being a little too close for comfort. "You have feelings...How interesting. Tell me, how do you feel such a pathetic thing?"

Unit 437 didn't know the answer. "I...I am unsure." He replied.

"How disappointing...But maybe you can prove yourself useful." Shadow said with an evil smile. "Where is the custard facility?"

"W-Why would you like to know?" He asked.

Shadow looked at him, and then snapped his fingers. Then, Cave, Yeti, and Arrow all ran up to their master and growled at the robot, frightening him.

"Why I want to go there is none of your concern! And if you wish to live and serve me, you will obey my orders...not question them."

Unit 437 looked at Shadow and then bowed. "O-Of course, New Master...The facility is near. I can take you there."

"No need to walk the rest of the way, just tell me the location and I can get there."

"V-Very well, it is near the Satellite Station, a few miles east of it." Unit 437 told him.

Shadow's evil smile grew. "Good."

Then, in a matter of seconds, they were all the entrance of the facility, but it seemed to be abandoned. Ever since the apocalypse, the scientists had made new food for them to eat since it was deemed the custard wasn't safe, and the facility was ready to be torn down and the custard ready to be eliminated..

"Perfect." Shadow snarled with a laugh. "No guards here, and that means no one here to affect my plan."

Shadow then turned to his slaves and gave them a telepathic command to destroy the gates. The monsters growled and mercilessly destroyed them for their master, clearing a path.

"It is quite enjoyable to have monsters as slaves." He laughed as he walked inside.

The facility was, of course, abandoned. It was filled with deactivated robots, shut down machines with old custard on the ground, and finally the main custard supply outside, and it was a glowing pink.

Shadow smiled and then looked at Unit 437. "How do we transport custard?"

"Umm...You merely redirect it to a machine through the control room. But, according to my systems, all the machines are shut down, well...except for the one here."

The demon's smile only grew, his bloody fangs showing once more. "Excellent. Then transport some into a bowl, I need it for that."

He pointed at some sort of deactivated robot which a worker had put a white and black top hat on. The robot was supposed to be a security droid because of how strong it was when activated, but the metal on its body seemed to be rusting.

"T-That, Master?" Unit 437 asked.

Shadow nodded. "Get to work."

Unit 437 also nodded and then quickly went to work, trying to avoid the monsters who were just standing there mindlessly, unable to think for themselves because of Shadow. Later, Unit 437 came out with a bowl of infected custard, colliding his blade arms so he wouldn't drop it.

Shadow grinned and swiped it from him and then looked at it. "I once imagined that the thing that brought me into the minds of creatures was more intimidating...But, I suppose this custard is to the minds of simple creatures.." Shadow chuckled evilly, and then turned to Cave and Arrow. "Bring the robot."

Cave and Arrow turned to the robot and then grabbed it, dragging it over to their master and laying him down.

"Open its panel on the back." Shadow commanded Yeti.

Yeti groaned like a mindless zombie, but did as he was told and opened up the panel that led to his power source, which was apparently powered by custard, which would make sense given that it's what this facility uses.

Shadow smirked and then poured the infected custard into the machine until every last drop was gone, then he tossed the bowl aside and closed the panel.

Suddenly, the robot pushed itself up and then got to its legs. Its eyes stared at Shadow, unable to identify him until Shadow merely stared back, and the robot was under his control.

It bowed. "Security Droid 568 at your service."

Shadow's smirk turned into a smile as he crossed his arms. "Ah, you're perfect...That hat. It reminds me of someone. In fact, I think you'll do perfect as one of my generals." The evil one told the machine as he lifted his hand and machines that were powered by the infected custard as well began to completely remodel him, to the amazement of Unit 437 on how magic and technology worked in harmony so well ever since this shadow tubby showed up as his new master.

Soon enough, the robot now looked like a cyborg of The Guardian, Walten, and its former design. Its face was like The Guardian's, but with metal and glowing pink eyes. It's body was similar as well, but with no screen on their stomach and instead a glowing circle on the top of their chest, which is where the custard was.

The demon grinned at his work of art. "What is your mission, Imposter?"

"Mission: Destroy Guardian." It replied as it stood up and activated a sword, which it quickly grabbed.

"Excellent." Shadow said. "Now, I have programmed his location and fighting style into your systems through my magic, you know what to do next."

"Location: Superdome." It replied.

"Go there and attack while I prepare the rest of my plan." Shadow ordered.

The robot's eyes glowed a darker pink color and then it began walking out of the facility, gripping its sword as its target was chosen.

"Weapons Systems: Online."

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