Chapter 9: Fear or Forget

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Needless to say, Walten became a little paranoid after his nightmare and interaction with Shadow, despite Po's attempt at comforting him. Days would pass by, and he would look out the window, expecting to see the black demon with his glowing grin. But he never did, even though he would always try to convince himself that Shadow's warning of him coming back wasn't real. He couldn't believe himself.

He never told the others because when he told Miles and Anne about it years ago, Miles punched him in the face and Anne, while she did take it into consideration, didn't see, to believe his little ghost story.

"H E L P !  S O M E O NE  P L E A S E  H E L P !" He had screamed after seeing the horrific creature running towards him, ready to strangle him.

Miles turned, confused but annoyed since they had a mission to do. Unless there was a New Born attacking The Guardian, then his cries for help would've been important. "What the hell?"

With that, both Miles and Anne rushed over to The Guardian, seeing him tremble in fear and on his knees. His eyes were wide and his breathing was heavy. He was scared.

Anne put away her rifle and walked up closer to The Guardian. "What happened? Are you ok?"

"H-Help....h-he's after me..." The Guardian muttered.

Anne tilted her head. "Who's after you? Please tell us."

" monster...s-shiny mouth..." The Guardian breathed, remembering the demon's lack of a face and its evil laughter. "Please...he's going to kill me..."

Miles grumbled and put away his rifle, walking over to The Guardian and forcing him to get to his feet. When The Guardian faced the military leader, he was suddenly punched in the nose, causing it to bleed.


Miles turned to her. "Me? What the hell is wrong with him?! He's been nothing but useless so far! He made us think something was going on, but no! He was just being an idiot!" Miles then knelt to The Guardian. "It's not so funny now though, is it?"

Anne growled. "Miles, stop it! You're being a jerk!"

"Why do you keep defending him? He just keeps making things worse! All he had to do was open a stupid door, and there he is playing poltergeist!"

"What do you know? Maybe he did see something. You don't know what's going on in his head."

"You said it, it's happening in his HEAD." Miles replied, obviously pissed off. "It's not real. A dumb hallucination won't hurt him. He should stop acting like it will!" The sergeant snarled as he walked away.

Anne faced The Guardian, looking concerned for her ally. "Are you ok, W?"

"Yeah...I'm alright." The Guardian said as he picked his hat back up and got to his feet, wiping the blood off his nose. "It was just unexpected."

"And completely uncalled for too. I'm so sorry that had to happen."

"It's alright, really. I'm ok." The Guardian reassured.

Anne smiled. "I'm glad you are. What about...that other thing though? Did you really see something?"

The Guardian tried to think more clearly about what he saw until he heard the laughter again and he looked around. 'I think I'm going insane...' He thought.


"It's really hard to describe. I was in a dark and empty void. I saw something. It looked like a shadow, but it could walk. And it had a life of its own. He had a mouth, but it glowed. You could even see it in the darkness." The Guardian shivered. "That thing was after me."

"And, I still am..."

Walten snapped out of his trance by Laa and Tink. "Oh, hey guys!"

Tink waved, but then looked at the white one with concern. "You ok? You've been staring at the window for 30 minutes. I mean, I like the windows, but I don't pretend its art."

"Yeah, is something out there?" Laa asked.

"Nah, I'm just thinking." Walten replied, taking his cow skin hat off and then putting it back on.

Tink and Laa looked at each other and then grinned with an almost evil type of look. They turned back to Walten, but unlike their undead days, had no intention to murder him. "Thinking about?"

"Well, umm, stuff." Walten said, not wanting to worry them, but he had a feeling that wasn't what they were trying to get out of him due to their grins.

Laa started talking in a sing-song voice. "About Po, maybe?"

Walten's face turned red as the far too much blood that he's seen throughout The Infection. "W-W-What?!"

"Come on, we know you have a friendship with her." Tink said, not really knowing what the heck attraction was.

Walten stayed silent before sighing. "Is it that obvious...?"

"No, Dip thinks it is and then told us." Laa said simply.

Walten blushed again and then hid his face in his hat. "I'm never coming out from this..."



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