Chapter 8: The Perfect Slaves

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Yeti, Claw, and Arrow had finally reunited after so long, it was going to take a bit of getting used to because of their monster-like bodies, but they had been cured of the infection, that's all that mattered to them. They were abused by the Coat Men before and infected by their virus, but they now had a new life to start over...As long as they didn't see the thing they saw in their dreams before dying, they'd be fine.

"Man, it's been so long. How long has it been?" Arrow asked, happy as he used to be.

Yeti shrugged. "I haven't really kept count, especially since we were all undead, and still kinda are."

Claw muttered some unidentifiable words, his jaw was broken so he couldn't speak anymore.

Arrow and Yeti tilted their heads in confusion, wondering what their friend was trying to say.

"Oh, he's trying to talk!" Arrow realized.

Claw nodded, but then slouched in disappointment of him now lacking the ability to speak.

Yeti smiled a little and patted his back. "Hey, maybe we can find a way to fix your jaw or get you some kind of translator."

Claw smiled back at him, or at least tried too.

"See, now there's the happy guy we know!" Arrow said.

They all smiled at each other before continuing to walk, hoping to find some kind of home to go to, they were made in a lab so they never had any 'home' other than there...And going back there was the last thing they had in mind.

Suddenly, they heard the crumbling of leaves and cracking of twigs and sticks, and they went on high alert, ready to tear apart whoever was following them. Then, they all growled when they saw who was behind them...

A black slendytubby with bloody fangs, an odd symbol on his head, and a bright screen. His smile was wicked, and above all, intimidating.

"Who the hell are you?" Yeti said, his voice laced with a threat, beginning to recognize this creature, but his memory was still rather blurry of his infected days.

The black monster who had a wicked and gleeful smile did not respond.

"Answer us or be-"

"Destroyed?" Shadow finished, interrupting Arrow.

Claw growled, feeling like he wanted to wrap his tendril hand tight around his throat and strangle the intruder.

"You think we're bluffing?" Yeti snarled, unsheathing his razor sharp claws.

Shadow laughed. "I do not think you're lying, I am simply not afraid. Instead, you should be the one afraid of ME."

Arrow cackled. "As if! There's 3 of us and only 1 of you!"

"And, if you want a fight, you got one!!!" Yeti roared, jumping in the air and charging at him, roaring like a wild animal.

Shadow cackled again and then grabbed Yeti by the neck and slammed him into the ground, rapidly punching him in the face. He then lifted him into the air and tossed him into a tree, breaking it.

"Is that all?"

Arrow and Claw growled. "Not even close." The orange creature roared.

They attacked Shadow, Claw swatting him backwards with his tendril. The Shadow Tubby stumbled backwards, shaking his head, but when he looked back up, he saw Arrow charging at him, his fist powered with a burning orange flame.

Shadow laughed at this attempt and then punched back, his fist powered with some kind of dark energy, causing the flame in Arrow's hand to fade.

Arrow retracted his fist and then tried punching him again and again, eventually taking out his claws and beginning to slice him.

Shadow didn't seem very affected by the attacks, but yet the blood still emerged and dripped onto his black and mysterious exterior. Then, Shadow laughed once more and grabbed Arrow's hand before it slashed him and then he slammed his fist into Arrow's gut over and over until finally kicking him onto the ground.

Claw roared and jumped in the air, slamming his foot into the ground, missing Shadow. Cave didn't take a moment of hesitation and swung his tendril arm and his normal arm, but each time he swung his massive arms, he would miss.

Shadow eventually grabbed Claw by the neck, and then looked at him with a maniacal smile, and Claw's eyes suddenly went black and he was dropped to the ground. He saw something horrible in that thing's blank face...And whatever the innocent monster saw made the shadow of doom smile.

"NO!" Yeti and Arrow cried out in unison. They roared at Shadow and jumped in the air, ready to cut him into bits, until Claw swatted them all away with his tendril hand, his eyes black and his growls echoing through the forest.

Shadow cackled. "Why don't you join him? He's your friend, is he not?"

"LET HIM GO!!!" Yeti roared as he charged again, but Shadow got one good look at Yeti, and Yeti suddenly fell to the ground as well, but when he got up, his eyes were black like his friend's.

Arrow was the only one left and he quickly shot some kind of fire attack that the infection gave him, but Shadow deflected it with darkness, teleported in front of Arrow and then stared into his eyes with his blank face, turning Arrow's mind off along with his eyes, making Arrow a follower too.

Shadow laughed evilly as he won the battle. "Come along, boys. We have much to do."

"Yes, Master

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"Yes, Master..."

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