Chapter 9: Old Friends, New Circumstances

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"Hey, Captain." I turned and to find the tall, ice blue haired man.
With a resting bitch face, the man was kind of scary I'm not going to lie. I turned back to face the blonde, who was death staring the other man. "Ban...." He said back.

"You might want to get behind me." The brunette said, either to me or the pig. "What's happening, are they mad at each other?" The pig asked.

Before the giant could reply, the boys yelled  and began to race to the other. "BANNN!" " CAPTAIN!! " when they reached the middle ground, they began a mirage of what I can only describe as, "What are they doing it's like patty cake gone wrong." Well what the pig said.

"They've been like this since I met them." I looked back at the girl with a 'really' expression. She didn't notice, which I wasn't surprised. Turning back to the chaos, I found they started an arm wrestling match. They went on about who won more, and in the process they destroyed the prison.

      (time skip brought by the patty cake gone wrong)

I sat down on a barrel, taking in the roof and others. "Hey (y/n), you feeling any better?" The kid I learned to be Meliodas or Captain, asked. The doctor fixed up my throat and I could speak again.

"Yeah, mind telling me how I know you." I was still trying to comprehend what my relationship was with these people.

"You're a sin, and ten years ago I was your captain and I still am. Also we're gathering everyone together again to stop the Holy Knights." He answered my question and pulled me over to a silver haired girl that was resting in a bed. "I gotta introduce you to someone, (y/n)."

" Princess Elizabeth, meet Ban the fox sin of greed and (y/n) the (f/a) sin of destruction. Waiiit, Ban where'd you get the clothes? " Captain asked the taller man.

"I can't go and parade naked in front of a princess now can I, besides it was a total fluke."  he explained how he got the red vest and skin tight pants. "So you stole it." The pig , I mean Hawk, said bluntly.

I stayed quiet, preferring not to be the center of attention. "Are you okay, Lady (y/n)?" The silver haired asked, damn her voice is going to get annoying.

"I'm fine." I glanced at her shortly, then looked up at the stars. "Hey you wanna eat? The food is going to get cold." The doctor called.

Getting up, I quietly made my way to the table and grabbed some food. Then moved back to my corner, away from the chaos. "Less talking , more drinking" I notice Ban and Captain having a drink off.

"You know, you'll never beat Captain, Ban." I walked over, once I finished my food. "What makes you say that, (y/n)?" " If you can't outdrink me, then you have no chance against Captain. " Wait, I had a drinking competition with him before? I thought, confuzzled at my own words.

I grabbed a mug, and walked over to the giant. "Hey (y/n), it's been awhile." Diane smiled setting her barrel of booze down. " Yeah, ten years, how you been doing. Obviously I was stuck in a prison with an overboard amount of shackles. "

"I stayed in the forest of white dreams, since nobody goes there. It's good to see you again and I'm surprised Captain hasn't started teasing you about Ban." The giantess took a sip of her drink and looks at the afore mentioned men, one of which was clinging to Hawk wasted.

"Why would he tease me about Ban? He hasn't talked to me once yet." I questioned, setting down an empty mug. After I said that, Ban came over.
"Why, you talkin' bout' meee?" He slurred just barely. Since he was drunk, he had no control over his body, so he slung his arm around my shoulders.

I felt my face heat up in embarrassment. "(y/n), you sure you aren't drunk too?" The spike haired man said , noticing my red face.

"No way I only had one round! Besides my tolerance level is crazy high." I retorted back, throwing his arms off.

The rest of the night was fun, Captain fed Elizabeth and attempted to feed Diane. Ban got even more drunk and tortured poor Hawk the entire time. I on the other hand was an onlooker, observing everything. I looked at the sky and the stars were falling in a cross.

             It's just like a passage in one Brittania's old poems.
"When shooting stars streak across the sky in the form of a cross
                         Brittania will face her darkest hour
                 This is a trial preordained since ancient times
                    And it will herald the signs of a holy war
  Between the guiding hand of light and the bloodline of darkness"

Longest chapter yet, yay! So you are slowly regaining memory and you are free at last. I might not update tomorrow, so yeah. Hope you liked it.

         Yours truly, L

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