4- Sounds Like A Plan

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Maggie's POV

"So Evan, what did you do this summer?" I asked, as I started eating my ice cream. We decided to go to an ice cream shop nearby. My mom walked in on us kissing as she was getting something in the bakery. Made for an awkward "meet the parent" encounter so we had no choice but to leave.

"Mostly just partied, hung out with my buds, nothing interesting." He said, shrugging.

"Uh huh, so no girls?" I inquired.

He looked down, swirling his ice cream to avoid looking into my eyes. "Nope, none at all."

"Really? Because I hung out with a bunch of guys this summer. So many boys I can't even count--"

I was interrupted by his sudden movements to grab me by the waist and sit me on his lap. He growled. "Don't finish that sentence Maggie! You are mine! You'll do well to never forget it. And if you even think about flirting with a guy, I'll make sure to rip his body limb from limb. I am very possessive, especially when it comes to you now, and you'll do well to remember that also." He said, menacingly.

Wow, that was sexy! But I couldn't help but laugh. He glared at me. "What's so funny?"

"The fact that you think I was actually hanging out with boys this summer." I laughed again. "The only boys I was hanging out with were my cousins and their friends. . . babysitting them." My laugh began to dwindle and I said, "But I think it's so sexy how you get all possessive over me." I nuzzled my nose on his neck, and nipped at his ear, playfully. "I want you to know I'm the same way," Playtime over. I wanted him to know I was serious. I brought his face closer to mine, "So if you so much as look at another girl, I will rip her body limb from limb and then you're next. And you'll do well to remember that. Got it?" I smiled at him and pat his face, softly.

He smiled and tightened his hold around my waist. "Got it. I could never even think about looking at anyone else now that I have you." He said, planting kisses on my neck and gently nipping at the skin.

"Aw, that's cute. . . and corny. . ." He lifted his head in confusion and I laughed. I kissed him then pulled away. "And extremely sweet." He smiled and kissed me back.

The little bell at the door jingled, signaling that someone had entered the shop. I pulled away from Evan when I heard a voice say, "Hey Evan!"

He looked up and gently put me down from his lap. "Collin, hey! Guess what, dude? You'll never believe what just happened." He stood and hugged this Collin dude.

He was about a couple inches taller than Evan. His muscles were well-defined in that light blue, stripped shirt, and don't get me started on those legs. His brown hair was a mess of wavy curls. His eyes were a right combination of brown and green.

Collin? Wait, I know that name. . . it's the name of the Alpha's son. The one who is trying to find his mate...who just so happens to be...Terra! Oh no!

"Babe?" Evan called out.

"Uh, yeah?" I must have dazed off.

"Come, I want you to meet my best bud, Collin."

"Um, okay." I said. Oh no!

I walked to where Evan and Collin were. My heart was palpitating. "Collin, this is my mate, Maggie. Maggie, this is my best friend, Collin." Evan said.

Collin extended his hand out for me to shake it. "Hi Maggie, it's nice to meet you."

I accepted his handshake. What do I say to him? How about Hello Collin! It's nice to meet you too. Yeah...that could work.

I was about to say just that but instead I blurted out, "I know who your mate is!"

I gasped and brought my hand to my mouth. I almost couldn't believe I said that! No, I couldn't have said that. But Collin's and Evan's surprised faces said otherwise.

"What did you just say? You know who my mate is?" Collin asked.

Oh no! What have I done? Terra is going to be so mad!         

Oh well. I have to help Terra face her fear and accept her mate, a sexy one at that. And I think I know just the way to do it.

"Yes Collin, I know who your mate is. And I think I know how you two can meet without her running away. I have a plan."

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