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Epilogue: Safe and Sound

4 years later...

Terra and Collin sat at a cafe nearby their college, studying for their final exams. In less than a week, they were going to graduate and in less than a month, they were finally going to tie the knot. Terra had remembered how beautiful her mother looked as a bride. She couldn't wait to experience the feeling. It was almost her parent's one year anniversary and she still didn't know what to get them. 

"I mean, what do you think they'll like? Maybe a vacation to the Bahamas? Hawaii? Ooh, or maybe--"

"Terra!" Collin interrupted. "Stop worrying about it. You have five months to come up with something brilliant and no matter what it is, I'm sure they'll love it," He pulled away from his book to hold her hand. "Plus, you already know what they want." He smirked, referring to his almost mother-in-law's request of holding her first grand baby before she clocks out. Heck, even her father was asking for it.

Terra couldn't stop the smile from spreading on her face. She pulled her hand away. "Yeah, yeah. Just keep it in your pants until graduation, all right! Then we'll start talking babies." She went back to reading her book.

After a while, Terra had this weird feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was something that she couldn't shake off. Accidentally, Collin brushed his leg against hers. She bit her lips to prevent the moan from slipping out. That was weird. She hadn't felt that way since. . .

Her heat. . .

After Collin marked her, her desire for him was more than quenched, at least for a little while. She thought she could hold it until their marriage but now, it wasn't looking so good. She closed her eyes and winced at the sudden desire that hit her. 

Collin noticed her erratic behavior. She was trying to hold something in and he saw the pain. . . or should I say, pleasure, evident on her face. Something was wrong. He was about to ask her when he smelled it. That beautiful mix of Vanilla and Coconut. A growl erupted suddenly; low in his chest. He had to get her out of there before an unmated wolf sniffs her out and pounces on her. Even the mere thought caused his wolf to stir. He put money on the table enough to cover the tab and tip.

Terra opened her eyes when she felt hands encompass her waist and drag her out of the cafe into the car. Almost in an instant, Collin had his hands on her neck, crushing her lips to his. He kissed her, hard. The love and lust almost palpable to the touch. His hands traveled down to her hips and pulled her closer so that there was absolutely no space between them. He bit her Claim and she cried out in pleasure. The heat that he provided was soon gone when he pulled away, righting himself in the driver's seat. 

"We're going home," Was all he said, before he told her to put her seat belt on and began to drive away.

Terra was in a daze. Screw waiting for their wedding night, she wanted him now.

The car came to a stop and Collin went out the door before she could notice. He grabbed her gently and led her inside the house. Once the door was closed, he slammed her into the nearest wall, continuing his sexual ministrations. She moaned, clenching his hair hard in her fist, wrapping her legs around him. He started running up the stairs. She felt her back hit the soft mattress and warm lips reach hers. The lust died down and the love could be felt in that slow, sensual kiss. Their wolves pulled back, letting them have their moment.

All their clothes were off in a hurry and they looked into each others eyes. She heard his voice ringing in her ears. "I love you, T. Never forget that." Then he thrust forward, satisfying the pain and pleasure, claiming her as his fully.

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