17- What the what (Part 4)

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Terra's POV

I ran. And ran. And ran. It's what I know best.

As fast as my werewolf legs could take me. My teeth clenched harder on my clothes. Before I could even think back there, I took off my clothes, shifted, and ran to the one place that I could tune out the world.

'Terra, slow down!' Collin said through mind link. I tried to put my guard up but it's kind of hard when you're trying to process everything that happened in that house.

'Please, T. Speak to me.' He sounded desperate.

I ignored him for now and kept on running until I made it into the small part of the park, where the swing was.

I hid behind a tree and shifted, putting on my clothes. When I emerged I felt someone pushing me, my back pressing up against the trunk of a tree, lips pressing into mine.


He pulled away, reluctantly. "Don't ever tune me out, Terra." He pecked my lips. "Please, I can't take it, baby." He gave me another peck. "I want to help you." He cupped my cheek. "If you let me. . ." I could see him staring at my lips. He wanted to kiss me again. And I wouldn't have objected if my mind wasn't somewhere else.

I pushed away slightly and I felt the tears coming. "I can't right now, Collin. You don't know how much I want to forget everything that happened tonight. . ." That's when I thought of something.

I wiped the stray tears that fell. "Mate me." I said.

I felt Collin's body stiffen. He pulled away fully. "What?" He mumbled.

"Mate me, Collin. Make love to me. Make me forget everything. I want you to mark me. I want to be yours tonight." I desperately clutched at his shirt, by then new tears started to fall.

His face softened and he cupped my cheek, his thumb stroking it, lovingly. "I want to, T. God, you don't know how bad I want to. But you know I can't do that." He pecked my lips. "Not yet." He whispered.

"Why not? I want you--"

He silenced me with a kiss. "You're not thinking clearly. I can't make love to you in these circumstances."

I sighed, wiped my tears, and shook my head. "You're right, Collin. I'm sorry. I just- I don't know what happened over there. How can I face him. . . them now? After all those years. . . he didn't care!"

Collin shushed me. "You don't know that, T. Has your mother ever talked about your father? Why he wasn't been in your lives?"

I shook my head. "Not really. I know he hurt her but I'm only left to assume the rest-"

"Exactly, T. You assume. Why don't you let him explain himself? Give him a chance to right wrongs. He looked pretty torn back at the house."

I let what Collin told me sink in. I guess I did need to know why he wasn't there for me and my mom. Why I never saw him. Whoa, a dark thought surfaced. . . Could it be because of my own mother?

I quickly rid myself of that thought. She looked terrified. Her skin was so pale; her body rigid. She was just as shocked as I was. Nevertheless, my parents had lots of explaining to do.

I knew deep down I was sort of happy that I saw my father. I was surprised there was no bitterness in me. Just confusion.

I noticed Collin observing me; a look of concern on his face. He held on tightly to my hip as if to make sure I would stay where I was. That I wouldn't run off again.

I gave him a small smile. "You're right again, Collin." I chuckled a little and cupped his cheek. "When did you become the voice of reason?"

He smiled back and nuzzled my nose. "When you came into my life." He gave me a long kiss before saying, "So, will you promise me you will talk to your parents?"

I sighed. "I think I owe it to them. . . and myself. But I don't think I'm ready to face them now." I ran my hands down his hard, muscular chest. I bit my lip and heard him groan. "Can I stay over your house?"

"I don't know. . ."

"Please, just for the night. Please!" I gave him the cutest puppy dog face, one I knew he couldn't resist.

He groaned. "How can I say no to that?" He gave me a very passionate kiss. It would have went on further if it weren't for a little droplet that fell on me.

I looked up. More droplets fell. "It's raining." It reminded me of our first date and how my first kiss was in the rain.

Collin pushed up against me, kissing me with more urgency and desire. "Oh you just like to be kissed in the rain, don't you?" He gave me a final kiss before he took my hand in his. "Let's go. I don't want you catching a cold."

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