The behind the scenes

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Sometimes God says no because he knows that the things your heart desires could eventually break you. The people you deeply need could be the ones who will let you down in every possible way. The ones who will change the way you think about people or about love or the ones who will close your heart off and make you question yourself.
Sometimes God says no because he wants to teach you the importance of patience, of learning how to value things that others take for granted or learning how to stand on your own feet so you can take care of other when you fall or take care of yourself when the people you need are no longer around you.
Sometimes God says no because he knows if he says yes, you wont grow up with the same wisdom, strength, perseverance and resilience you have today. You wont be the best version of yourself if you didn't have things in your life that forced you to face certain fears, heal certain wounds and overcome certain chalenges.
Sometimes God says no because he wants you to delve deeper into faith, i to understanding the universe, into believing in him even if you dont always agree or understand why he does things the way he does. Sometimes he says no because he wants you to probe  further into your life, ask hard questions, rethink your decision or just explore whether the things you're praying for are good for you or maybe you're just in love with the illusion of things.
Sometimes God says no because he wants to bless you with far better things then what you're asking for.
Sometimes his no is a big hell yes in disguise. Sometimes his no is a wait for it wonderful surprise about to unfold. Sometimes his no is more of a not right now than a complete no.
Sometimes his no is a delayed yes but what I know for sure is that his unanswered prayers, his NOs are just another way of blessing you whether by removing something that would have been toxic for you or waiting to bless you with something far beyond what you imagined.
And sometimes God's no is his way of saying I love you and that's why l'm protecting you from what you cannot see.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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