A Little More Time

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Clint nodded, "Be careful Steve." 

Steve nodded and walked over to his bike before driving back to his apartment. 

He sat down when he got back to his apartment and stared at the blank piece of paper in front of him. Lately all he had been doing at night was sketching her. He couldn't sleep and all that he could think of was her, so eventually he started putting the images of her down to paper. 

Sometimes, they were images of her in his memories. Like when she had been sitting in the seat next to him after their kiss looking smug as could be, or when she would toss her signature smirk his way after beating him in a sparring match. 

Other times, the images were more haunting. He couldn't help but imagine her in her last moments, fear in her eye despite some of her last words being a reassurance that she would be okay.

Those drawings always broke his heart. He could picture her expressions to the point where sometimes he forgot that he hadn't been the one with her on that cliff. 

Tonight, he was sketching her the way she had looked right before they teleported away. The last time he had seen her. 

That look hadn't been a smirk. It was a genuine smile. She had been excited to travel back in time and then the trip had cost her her life. 

"I really miss you," He whispered to the painting and darkness once he had finished, "I'd give anything to have you back." 

He was met by silence. Like always. 

Steve set the drawing down on his desk and climbed into his bed. He shut his eyes and silently prayed to see her one more time. Even if it was just for a moment. He just wanted to tell her how he felt. 

Eventually, he drifted off to sleep, dreaming of Natasha's bright smile and piercing eyes. 


Steve woke up to the sound of a crash coming from his living room.

He looked around his room for something to defend himself with but eventually just decided that he could fight them if he needed too and walked into the kitchen on high alert. 

It was there that he saw Natasha standing with her back to him as she looked at the various drawings and paintings he had done of her. 

"Natasha?" He asked, his voice breathy and weak.

She whipped around to face him, "Steve? What's-" 

Steve didn't give her time to respond. He rushed across the room and enveloped her in a hug, "How are you here?"

Natasha wrapped her arms around his neck, "I don't know. Did you do this?" 

Steve shook his head, "I don't think so. When did you get here." 

"Just now. I just appeared outside your door and it was unlocked so I came inside. I didn't realize it was real at first. But I'm here." 

Steve laughed in absolute relief, "I can't believe you're here." 

Natasha smiled, hugging him tighter, "Me neither, but maybe we should try and figure out why. Maybe it's something important." 

Steve nodded, "Okay but before we do anything I really need to talk to you." 

Natasha tilted her head slightly, "Okay?" 

"I love you," He blurted out with absolutely no grace or composure.

Natasha's eyes softened, a smile gracing her lips, "I know."

Steve frowned, "You know?" 

She nodded, "After I died, I could see all of you and watch over you. Kind of like a ghost but I wasn't stuck anywhere. It was like I was with you but you couldn't see or touch me. That's why I was confused when I appeared here. But I can hear you whenever I'm with you." 

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