He Looks Hot Chopping Down a Christmas Tree

Start from the beginning

He turned to her after it had fallen and raised an eyebrow, "How are we gonna get it back to the truck?" 

"That's your job Rogers. You're the super soldier here." 

Steve gave her a slightly pointed glare before bending down to heave the tree onto his shoulders. 

He struggled slightly but managed to lift the heavier part of the tree. 

"Can you lift up the end of the tree?" 

Natasha rolled her eyes and walked over to the end of the tree that was dragging on the ground. She lifted it up over her shoulder and walked behind Steve as they headed back towards the car. 

When they emerged from the forest, Steve sighed and looked at his truck. 

"How are we gonna tow this thing home?" 

Natasha dropped her end of the tree and walked towards the truck. She put the axe and everything else they'd be carrying in the backseat and pulled out a few thick ropes. 

"Lift the bottom end into the bed of the truck and lay it so that it's going diagonal towards the hood," She instructed, returning to help lift the top end. 

She climbed into the bed of the truck to help Steve lift it up and pushed the top of the tree up until the trunk was all the way inside the bed. 

"Now what?" Steve asked. 

The tree was practically covering up the entire car but really they didn't have any alternative. 

Natasha climbed onto the top of the truck and had Steve toss her the rope so that they could begin tying it to the truck. 

They repeated doing so until they were pretty sure the tree wouldn't fall. 

Natasha, still standing on the roof, raised an eyebrow at Steve, "You think it'll hold?" 

Steve shrugged, "I hope so." 

Natasha tried to climb down from the top but the truck was slippery from snow and she slipped, falling off the truck. 

She'd of probably landed on her feet but before she could, Steve stepped over and caught her, his face turning bright red as he did so. 

"I knew I was falling for you but I didn't think you'd catch me," Natasha teased, though meaning every word.

Steve's face turned an even deeper shade of red and he gently set her down, "Are you okay?" 

Natasha nodded, "Yeah, now lets get out of here. I'm freezing. I'll drive." 

Steve frowned, "Why?" 

"Because if we get pulled over by a cop because this tree isn't legally tied to the truck, I've got a much better chance of talking us out of a ticket." 

Steve couldn't argue with that. 

He was oddly quiet on the drive back to the Avenger's tower. Normally, if Natasha was talking he would at least try to converse with her. Now he was just staring out the window and mumbling one word answers to whatever she said. 

Natasha reached over and put her hand on top of his, "Are you okay? Did you pull a muscle lifting the tree or something?" 

Steve looked away from the window, "Hm?" 

"I asked if you're okay," Natasha said, her brows furrowing with slight concern for him. 

Steve nodded, "Oh yeah. I'm good." 

Natasha didn't buy it but she decided to wait until later to push the answer out of him. 

"Wanna stop somewhere for lunch?" Natasha asked as they were driving through a small town. 

"Sure," Steve said, still looking out the window.

Natasha pulled into the parking lot of a small café and her and Steve walked inside. 

It was pretty late in the afternoon so there weren't many other people inside the diner. 

The waitress sat them down at a table and took their drink orders while Natasha examined Steve, trying to figure out what was going on with him.

"Thank you," He said when the waitress returned with his hot chocolate and Natasha's coffee.

Natasha took a sip and sat back, "Alright, what's going on. And don't try the 'I'm fine' bullshit because you and I both know something is bothering you." 

Steve frowned, "It's nothing Nat, really." 

Natasha glared at him, "C'mon Rogers. You've been acting weird since we left the forest." 

Steve sighed and looked down, "It's stupid Natasha. Really." 

"Try me," Natasha said, softening her glare.

Steve scratched behind his ear, "Earlier, when you fell off the truck, I know you were messing with me but I can't stop thinking about what you said." 

Natasha couldn't help but instantly feel guilty when she realized that he was still thinking about her saying she had fallen for him. She had been serious but she hadn't expected him to think anything about it, "What are you thinking about it?" 

"I'm trying to figure out if you meant it." 

Natasha bit her lip, "And if I did?" 

Steve looked up from the table, his eye's instantly lighting up, "Did you?" 

Natasha nodded, "Every word." 

"Every word?" 

Natasha nodded again, "I'm not good at feelings Steve, but I think I fell for you years ago. But like I said, I never expected you to feel the same." 

Steve frowned, "I do." 

"You do what?" 

"Feel the same," Steve said, once again blushing. 

Natasha smiled, "Then ask me out." 

Steve grinned, "Now?" 

"Do you have something else you need to do first?" Natasha teased. 

Steve chuckled, "Can I take you out for dinner tonight?" 

Natasha nodded, "Yes. But first we've got to get that damn Christmas tree back to the tower." 

Hey guys. This chapter is lowkey a mess but it's one of probably many Christmas themed ones to come. If you have any Christmassy request please let me know and I will try to do them! Other than that, please comment and vote if you enjoyed!

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