13th of September 1965 pt. 2

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Something about just talking, Yoongi and I, makes everything around me fall into place.

The many plans Yoongi and I had made for the day, had been cancelled, just so that we can stay in Yoongi's apartment and listen to his old records, as we talk about memories and whatever else came to mind.

I don't even notice how time slip through our fingers, until Yoongi's stomach start to growl.

"What's the clock?" he asks with furrowed brows, checking his arm watch.

"Oh! It's already 19:30... I better start making us some food, before we have to leave" Yoongi get back on his feet, rubbing his eyes as he walks into the kitchen, pulling out a few pans.

"Do you need help?" I ask him, having noticed how tired he looked.

"I guess it would be nice"

Yoongi admitting to needing help, is always so strange. The boy had this weird idea that he could do anything by himself, even though I know he can't.

The kitchen smells lovely as I enter, Yoongi already put the meat in the pot, which was turning brown while it absorbed the flavours around it, that Yoongi had added.

"Take a nap Yoongi, you look awfully tired" I caress his fluffy dumpling cheeks, making the other huff a little, but not pull away from me.

"noooo, you are leaving soon, and I wouldn't want to waste that time sleeping"

I chuckle at his cute remark "But what will you do then?"

Yoongi shrug, I shrug back and turn my back on him to stir the meat, so it won't get burned.

A pair of tired arms wrap around my waist, as a tired Yoongi lean his whole weight against my back. At times like this, its lucky that I am both taller and stronger than Yoongi.

"This" He mumble against my neck.

I can feel his breathe against my neck, sending soft shivers down my spine, its an odd feeling.

Yoongi hum softly, while I move as little as possible to allow Yoongi to stay in his almost sleeping state.



"Do you like being like this?" the other boy nod against my back, tightening his hands around my waist.

Something about it feels nice, I feel weirdly safe in his arms.

"What do you need when we have to move out of this position?"


"I will big spoon then"

"You can forget that, I might be tired, but I am still more of a top than you"

My whole face turns pick, as Yoongi just let go of my waist and grab a plate, serving the food.

I follow him to the living room, as he carries them in to place them on the Livingroom table.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I would be the one to top you"

"e-erm no!"

Yoongi lift his brow at me, making me even more flustered.

Why is he doing this to me?

He sits behind me, with a leg on each side of my body, wrapping his arms safely around my waist again, as if that was just where it belonged now.

"Now you feed me" Yoongi demand, opening his mouth.

"as you wish master" I joke, pushing some food into his mouth.

Yoongi hum satisfied, as I feed him and myself, until all our food is gone.

"That was on of the best meals I have ever had" Yoongi nod to himself.

"is it because the food was good, or did you just enjoy being fed?" I raise a brow at him, as he pull a thinking face "A little bit of both, but mostly you feeding me"

"I thought so... You are so silly"

"Will you miss that?"

"That you are silly?"

Yoongi's face is suddenly serious as he moves away from behind me, sitting so that he can face me.

"Will you miss me? All of me and not just parts of me?"

"Of course, I will miss you... I will miss everything about you"

Yoongi nod to himself.

"Why do you ask?" I try to look into his eyes, but before I can even think, Yoongi grab my cheek and kiss me deeply.

My whole body feel tense as I feel the warmth from his lips against mine.

In panic I push him away a little harder than I should have, taking Yoongi as much by surprise as I did myself.

"Namjoon I-"

"I am sorry Yoongi" I hurry back on my feet, grabbing my bag, before running out the door, running as fast as my legs allow it.

Why did I run?

I honestly have no idea why I pushed him away.

 I don't hate Yoongi, I think I love him.

But I can't have him, Him and I are not even from the same year.

Its better for Yoongi if I leave like this.

If Yoongi thinks that I hate him, maybe it will be easier for him to get over me. 

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