Part 2

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It could have been minutes, it could have been hours. Katy was unsure as she startled awake, finding herself curled up on the cold floor in the front hallway of the house she and Russell owned. She blinked, her eyes adjusting to the darkness in the house before she realised the reason for her sudden awakening.

She dashed into the kitchen towards the sound of her ringing phone, answering breathlessly just before it rang out.

“Hi mom,” she croaked, her voice weak and hoarse from the crying and screaming from her earlier argument with Russell.

“Hi sweetheart, how are you?” Mary asked, concerned at the sound of her daughter’s voice.

Katy rolled her eyes. She was never able to hide anything from her mom. And in hindsight, it would be nice to have someone to talk to, to get her current feelings off her chest. “Not so great, really. Russell and I had another big fight just before.”

“Another one?” sighed Mary. “Same reason?”

Katy nodded forlornly, then realising her mother couldn’t see her, replied, “Yep. He still won’t listen, he won’t take no for an answer! Anyway, I got so upset I just wanted him to leave, so he stormed out. I don’t know where he is or when he’ll be back.”

“Well if things aren’t going so well, remember you’re always welcome back home for Christmas honey, your dad and I would love to see you soon.”

Katy smiled. “Thanks mom, I miss you. I’ll keep you updated.” As she finished her sentence, she jumped in fright as a loud bang echoed throughout the house. “Mom, I have to go, I think Russell is home. I’ll talk to you soon. Love you.” She hung up quickly and ventured out of the kitchen.

“Katy!” yelled Russell, stumbling against the doorframe as he entered the house, reeking of alcohol and cigarettes. “Katy my darling wife, I love you!”

“Russell, what the hell?” said Katy, rolling her eyes as she watched her husband stagger towards her. She should have known he would have gone out drinking after he left her on the floor.

Russell grabbed Katy around the waist, leaning forwards to try and kiss her. Katy turned her head in disgust, and felt his dry lips meet the skin of her cheek.

“Katy you’re so hot. I have the sexiest wife ever. Let’s go upstairs, I want to make love to my sexy wife,” slurred Russell, grinning.

“No, let’s not,” replied Katy, trying to detangle herself from Russell’s arms. Suddenly, the ground below her disappeared and she let out a surprised scream as Russell picked her up and began carrying her, intending to forcefully take her to the bedroom.

But due to his drunkenness, he lost his grip and dropped Katy on the floor. She cried out in pain as her back and head hit the tiled floor. Before she could get her bearings and try to stand up, she felt Russell climbing on top of her, sloppily kissing her neck.

“Russell, get off me!” she cried, beginning to feel genuinely afraid of her husband for the first time ever. She pushed at him, but he took her resistance as a sign of intense passion, kissing her more fiercely as he began to undo his pants.

Katy lay on the floor underneath Russell and sobbed for the second time that day as she resigned herself to the fact that her husband was about to have sex with her against her will. She closed her eyes and lay motionless, tears of pain, anger and humiliation running down her face as Russell lifted up her skirt and pushed himself inside her.

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