Chapter 1

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"Oh my gosh! Natsu, what happened!?"

Little Lucy panicked, "I'm...sorry Luc-..." Natsu said weakly as Lucy went to his side to help him up.

"Don't!" He exclaimed loudly, scaring her, his face contorted with pain and panic.

"Just...don't come near me...leave, it's... not a good time right now."

"But Natsu-"

"Please! I don't want to accidentally hurt you!" Natsu exclaimed, tears running down his cheeks.

"Don't worry, you will never harm me." Lucy said with a soft voice as she glanced at Natsu, before walking towards the small little door.


An anguish scream came out, That voice is... NATSU'S!

Lucy immediately ran back to the place, slightly stumbling. She was about to trip and fall, but her body supported her weight.

Only to fall down near Natsu.

Her hands on his neck and chest, Natsu groaned louder in pain as she panicked, afraid that his heartbeat would slow down, she placed her ear against his chest.


With that, she truly panicked for the first time. The girl had never heard someone's heart beat that slow. She placed her finger near his nose to check whether he was breathing normally.

Only to feel that it was uneven and slow, like he was choking and gasping for air.

How do I help him better with his breathing?

She heard his sharp intake for air but he choked on it.

"Um... AIR TO AIR!" She exclaimed, trying to think of the steps to do it. After she was sure that the important part is covered, she went and placed her mouth on his, blowing air into it.

It actually helped Natsu to breathe better. When she felt that he could  breathe, she stopped.

Panting at the work she has to do before she heard Natsu say, "Could you pass me your hand..."

But it felt more like a command, Lucy couldn't help but extend her hand towards him.

Thinking about his low voice made a shiver go down, it was very velvety and hypnotizing... She felt a small prick on her wrist as she jolt up awake, checking at her wrist to see a very small mark.

Upon closer inspection it looked like a dragon tattoo while from afar, it looks like a small birthmark. She rubbed her wrist to feel nothing but calmness. It must be nothing, I guess.

"Natsu... Are you alright?" Lucy asked worriedly, Natsu said nothing but his head was hanging low.

"...Natsu?" Lucy called out hesitantly as she reached out her hand to touch his shoulder.

"Lucy, I-"

I shook awake when the train jerked to a stop, "We have arrived at Magnolia."

Oh my gosh! The dream couldn't have just stopped at a better timing… But what did I dream of again? I grumbled since it was actually getting quite interesting but afterwards found it weird— since I couldn't remember what I dreamt.

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