'I can't be with you.' (Chapter 5)

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(The songs and pictures up there have nothing to do with the chapter, I just put the songs there for my entertainment lmao)


Y/N's POV-

'He saw. He definitely saw. Last night, before teleporting home, The very last second, I heard Kei's voice. He was looking for me. He had followed me. I'm sure of it. I'm not sure whether I should go to school today or not. What if he brings it up? What would I say? "oh sorry, you saw some random lady that looked just like me teleporting home." Pfft, like he'd believe that. ', you thought to yourself, half aware that you're overthinking. You calmed down after a while, and left to school. Your head was still so full, that you had even forgotten to bring a jacket. In the middle of winter. 'Shit..' you thought to yourself, realising how cold it actually was. You lived quite far away from the school, so you had to deal with the cold for another 15 minutes of walking. You desperately wanted to just teleport, but there were people around and you didn't want to attract attention. You decided to take a bus, hoping it's warmer. You wait in the bus stop for about 2 minutes, looking around, and distracting yourself with music. Once the bus arrived, you stepped inside and walked in and an entire wave of cold hit you at that moment. The freezer was on, and broken so it wouldn't stop. You immediately regretted getting on the bus. You looked around for a seat, only to see him. The last person you'd want to see today. Kei Tsukishima. He wasn't looking at you at the very moment, so you pretended not to see him. 'Please don't notice me, Please don't notice me, Please don't notice me..' you thought to yourself. But of course, with your terrible luck, he noticed you. Was it really terrible luck though? You didn't turn around to look at him. You just looked in front of you. You felt his gaze though, and heard his voice in your head.

*'Is that Y/N? ..I think so. Should I ask 'bout yester- What do I care? Sheesh. How does she survive without a jacket right now anyway.. She's clearly shaking. Tch, she's gonna catch a cold..* He thought.

There was a flood of thoughts in your head at the moment. A flood of random people's thoughts. Although, Kei's voice was the loudest over the other 3 thousand other people's voices. You wanted it to stop. You didn't want to hear his voice. His adorable little voice. You didn't want to look at him. You didn't know how you'd react. This was a terrible time to-

You felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around and saw Kei, saying something.

"Kei?" You whispered. You took off your earphones and heard

"Y/N, you're gonna catch a cold, you should put on your jacket." He said in a concerned tone.

"I forgot to bring it... And hey, I didn't know you cared for me, Moody French Fry~" You teased.

"I- Ugh. Whatever, just take this." He said, taking off his jacket and giving it to you. "You should be more careful."

Your eyes widened at this. It felt like you two were inside ice, and yet, he's still offering you his jacket. You smiled and took the jacket hesitantly and gave him a little thanks. You felt warmer instantly. You felt kind of guilty taking his jacket, but the jacket sort of.. made you feel safer. You suddenly felt the urge to go sit next to Kei. You shook away the thought instantly, as it made your stomach do a flip, and your heart squirm around. But suddenly, you heard something. You turned around and looked at Kei spontaneously, making him jump. He gave you a questioning look, and you whispered a apology. You didn't know why you were apologising but you did anyway. You thought you heard him say something. You heard him say '*I wish she'd sit next to me.'* , but that would be impossible. Unless he was thinking it? 'What a strange kid..' you thought, being a complete hypocrite. You finally arrived at the school, hopping off the bus as Kei followed you. He wasn't really following you, he just had the exact same morning schedule. That's what you thought anyway.

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