How it's done [Chapter 7]

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this was originally of last chapter but i thought it'd be nicer as it's own chapter. :')


You were a total natural; gliding across the ice without any struggle. On the other hand, Tsukishima had no experience whatsoever. He didn't realise the difficulty that came with it, and the second he stepped foot on the ice--


You had to bite your lip not to laugh. You made your way over to the giant fry laying helplessly on the ice and crouched down. "Oh yeah. Got some mad skills, I see," you smirked and offered a hand. 

In return, you only received a frown, no hand. He tried to get up on his own. 

"C'mon. I'm joking. I'll teach you how it's done," you chuckled, and after a moment of hesitation, Tsukishima finally lent you his hand and you pulled him up.

"Laugh again and I'll tear out your tongue," Tsukishima muttered, clearly embarrassed by his earlier actions. 

"Got that, Captain Slip n' Slide," you grinned helped him to the sides of the rink, helping him grab hold. "Try just walking around, holding onto the wall. Then slowly let go."

"She has a nickname for every scenario, doesn't she?" he thought.
You almost replied.  

You watched as he carefully made his way, following your steps perfectly. It made you feel like a proud mother in a way. You gave him little praises like, 'you're doing it,' and 'well done,' and enjoyed his facial expression each time; a mixture between embarrassed and excited. 

Little by little, he was doing it. Before long, Tsukishima was carefully gliding across the ice, learning to manoeuvre himself in such situation. Seeing as he was doing so well, you left him alone to do a little practice, mostly to thank Shimizu for the invitation. 

in the meantime

"HINATA, DO A FLIP!" you heard being shouted from across the rink. 

'and to the commotion we go,' you thought to yourself aloud. 

Psychic Soulmate [Tsukishima X Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя