Getting to know you (Chapter 4)

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AHHhH i'M sorRy I hAveN'T uPDaTEd iN LIke 19231401847 yeArS!

Sorry, I'm just really busy with school, but now that we got COVID-19 around, I have some spare time to write! Hope you like the chapter, I'm gonna make it extra long to make it up to you guys.



"Boys Volleyball.. manager?", You think to yourself.

You not once had expected to be asked that. This was the first time you were this surprised in a long time. You were actually a really good volleyball player, but you stopped playing due to personal reasons. You quickly thought over to what would happen IF you said yes. You thought through all the outcomes, pro's & cons within seconds. You were a quick thinker.

 "I'll think about it." You replied, scratching your head. Yamaguchi nodded with a bright smile.

 "Well, I'm heading home now. Tsukki, do you want anything from the store?", He asked Tsukishima.

 You were slightly confused. 'Are they that close that they even do shopping for eachother? They're like siblings..'  You thought to yourself. Tsukishima replied, but you weren't listening. 

"Hey, Yamaguchi! Mind if we walk with you?", The short brown & yellow haired male asked.

Yamaguchi nodded walking out of the gym still on the call with the shorter boy and the shaved hair delinquent. Meanwhile, Tsukishima  moving towards his bed with his tablet, and sats down, shuffling a bit more backwards to lean on the wall. Then, he tapped on the bed beside him signalling you to come sit next to him. You gave a slight nod and hopped onto the bed. You sat right next to Tsukishima and looked at his tablet. Yamaguchi was walking with 2 guys behind him. 


 The 3 boys on the screen all agreed to play except me and Tsukishima. 

"So, Y/LN! You wanna play?", Yamaguchi asked in a polite tone.

 You hesitated before nodding. After a while of convincing,  they*COUGH COUGH* you convinced Tsukishima to play. (with strawberry shortcake.) After reading his mind several times, you could tell he liked your homemade strawberry shortcake. 


"Y/LN, Truth or dare?", Yamaguchi asked.

"Uhm.. I'll go truth."


The shaved head delinquent took the phone off Yamaguchi's hand and yelled "IF I ASKED FOR YOU TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND, WOULD YOU SAY YES?!"

You blinked twice.

"That, No."

Tsukishima snickered, and suddenly, everything went in slow motion form for you. You looked over at Tsukishima, and were astonished at how cute his laugh was. You immediately snapped out of it when Yamaguchi took the phone off the delinquent looking guy. 

"Hey, what are the other two's names..?", You whispered to Tsukishima.

 He waited for a moment, thinking of a snappy comeback type of response then replied with "The shaved head idiot is Tanaka, and the annoying shortie who's hair looks electricuted is Nishinoya." 

"HAAAA?!", the two yelled in unison, and proceeded to scolding Tsukishima something about 'respecting his senpai's' until Yamaguchi cut them off and we proceeded to playing Truth Or Dare. Takana asked Yamaguchi first. "Truth or daree, Yamaguchi?"

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