Chapter 21 : Graduation (Part 1)

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Graduation day.
Mendoza residence.

Ramon is trying to catch at least five minutes of sleep but he is unable to. He can't stop thinking that soon everyone will be away and he will stay there. On top of that, because of the rocky year between him, the team and Brandon, the headmaster announced to him that he will not graduate with the rest of his class at the ceremony.

His mother walks inside his room to wake him up...

'Rise and shine my baby boy, today is a special day.'

'Yeah, I don't think so mother, maybe for everyone else but let's not forget that I will receive my diploma from the headmaster's office so...'

'I see, you can be sad or you can join me and your father for a breakfast, dress well and go celebrate your graduation with your friends, ceremony or not.'

'Fine, I suppose it's better than staying in here all day.'

His mother leaves him to get ready and closes the door. Ramon gets up and looks at his messages. Everyone is talking about graduation and what they should wear. Olivia is texting him to see if he is up.
He gets off the bed and puts out of his wardrobe his favorite suit. Then he goes outside to have breakfast with his parents.

Boy's apartment.

George is talking on the phone with Diana, who is unable to choose between white and green for today. Alex is getting ready to drive his roommates to school. Even he looks a little sad knowing that he will no longer drive George and Steven to school nor will he be able to drink free beer from Bluelife now that his friend is not working there anymore.

Once George hangs up the phone, he keeps thinking about his decision to go with his sister to New York. Steven walks inside his room...

'You better start getting ready. We are leaving in a half hour.'

'Yeah, I have on my chair my clothes for today, I won't do more than ten minutes.'

'Said every chick ever.'

'I'm not a chick.'

'No you're not a chick, you're sad. Don't push yourself into thinking if you made the right decision or not, you will find out by the end of this day.'

'Thanks Steven.'

Steven gives to his friend the middle finger and leaves him to get ready.

On the road to school.

Olivia along with her parents are driving to school. She is practicing her valedictorian speech and tries to concentrate while her two baby brothers fight at the back of the car. She looks at her phone and Ramon informs her that he is waiting for her at school.

They arrive all together, Olivia, Diana, Steven, George and Alex. They apologize to Ramon for being late...

'No worries, I had company.

'What's up bitches?', Julian scares the gang. Everyone jumps at him and start hugging. Diana asks him...

'What are you doing here?'

'I pulled some strings, there was no way I wasn't going to graduate with my best pals.'

Julian turns to George and they smile at each other even though they remain at a distance. They did have the world's biggest misfire as a relationship after all.

  'You came...'

  'You called...Don't worry I won't reveal who my secret string that brought me here was. I appreciate it though!' Julian whispers to his ex boyfriend and gives him a tender kiss on his cheek.

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