Chapter 5: Nicknames and Overprotective Waynes

Start from the beginning

"C'mon Baby bird, smileee." Tim pouted as he made his way over to his baby brother with a phone now in hand and his camera turned on recording the boy.

"Speaking of birds." Dick began, "We still haven't given Marinette a nickname. Every Wayne has to have a nickname!"

Tim sighed as he gave up his attempt to lift the corners of Damian's lips and instead sat on the couch. "What about Red bird?" he recommended.

Dick shook his head, "Naah, that doesn't roll of the tongue." he wracked his brain for a name, "What about Ladybird?"

Jason chuckled, "That's even worse!"

"Angel." The men turned to the voice. Tim grinned, "Angel?"

Damian nodded but then averted his gaze when he looked up to notice all eyes on him. He stuttered, "I-I mean because I'm demon spawn due to my personality so Marinette should be angel because-"

"Because she's like an angel?" Jason responded, a smirk on his face. Damian nodded.

Dick eyed his younger brother. He was so in love with the blue eyed girl that it was actually ridiculous.

Tim broke the silence as he clapped his hands, "Angel it is!"

Marinette chuckled. Bit by bit she was becoming part of their family. But then she frowned, "Does that mean you're all my brothers now?"

Damian shifted uneasily in his seat. Tim's eyes widened. Dick froze as he reached for the bottle he'd dropped a few minutes ago. It was Jason that spoke, "I guess so."

Marinette smiled. Not a fake smile or a small smile, but a smile that reached up to her eyes and spread warmth around the room, "Okay big bro."

Jason almost burst out crying. He'd never been called big bro before! heck, he'd never even had a younger sister before!

"Hold up." All eyes were on Tim as he spoke, "We have a nickname that compliments her personality, but we don't have one for her superhero persona."

Before anyone could answer, Dick piped up, "Baby bug!"

"Baby bug it is!" Tim answered.

"Ah um, sorry but that's already taken." The boys followed the voice to Marinette, "Plagg already calls me that."

"Who's Plagg?" Damian asked now speaking and directing the woman with his full attention.

"Oh, sorry. You've already met Tikki, my kwami, but I forgot to let you meet Plagg, the kwami of the black cat."

"I see." Dick piped in again, "Well I personally am very proud of this nickname. It's my best invention yet. So I suppose he could just shar-"

"I don't share."

Everyone turned to the black floating cat who'd just come whizzing out of Marinette's pocket at the sound of his voice.

"Holy cow!" Tim shouted. "Where the hell did you come from?"

Plagg rolled his eyes and repeated, "I. Do. Not. Share. Find your own nickname."

Marinette chuckled as she watched the grumpy cat; she didn't think he was the jealous type.

"Sorry bud, but it's final. Marinette is now known as Baby Bug!" Jason answered.

Dick burst out laughing at the realisation he'd just made. "Look at Damian." Damian's frown doubled as everyone's eyes now layed on him. "Now look at the cat."

Plagg grumbled under his breath. Who did these mortals think they were. He wasn't an attraction or some decoration for them to look at all day!

"Ha!" Tim's eyes widened, "I see it! They look exactly alike!"

At this, Marinette burst out laughing. She looked from Damian to Plagg and back again and only smiled more when she met identical green eyes piercing into hers. They were so compatible!

Then she froze. Compatible?

"Woah. Mari, the more you stare at Damian, the more I think you're falling in love with him." Tim chucked only to stop when he noticed that her smile was gone and was now replaced with something her couldn't read. "Mari?"

Jason waved a hand infront of her face. Nothing. Her eyes widened as she continued to stare into his green ones. "Hey Marinette are you okay?" It was now Dick that spoke. No answer.

Tikki flew out of her chosen's pocket and tapped her cheek worried for the woman. She didn't answer.

The brothers and kwamis watched as the two young adults stared at each other, Damian's eyes filled with confusion and Marinette's filled with something unreadable.

Then she shivered and broke her gaze.

"You okay?" Tim asked.

"Where the hell did you go?" Dick asked.

"Did you get lost in Demon Spawn's eyes?" Jason chuckled attempting to ease the tension in the room.

"Marinette?" Tikki flew closer to her chosen and stared into her eyes attempting to read them. But when she lifted her hand (do kwamis have hands???) to stroke her cheek, Marinette flinched and cleared her throat.

"U-Um. I'm going to my room." Marinette groaned as she attempted to lift herself up. She huffed. This damn baby bump was in her way!

"Need help?" She nodded allowing Tim to pull her up and steady her on her feet. She then proceeded to walk out the door stumbling but catching herself with a nearby chair and was then out the door. Tikki and Plagg shared a look before following her.

"What the hell did you do?" Dick asked Damian.

"Why do you always assume that everything's my fault?" Damian frowned.

"Oh, I dunno. Maybe because she was looking at you!" Tim answered.

Damian shrugged. Then huffed, stood up and left before quickly calling out, "I'm going out." The front door then slammed.


"Marinette, are you okay?" Tikki asked the woman shivering in front of her.

"Baby bug?"

Her face was pale as she let her mind wander.

Blood. Glass. A broken bottle. Her parents. Adrien. So much blood...

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