" At least he passed unlike me " Dad intervenes and everyone chuckles

And I mouth a thanks to him for lifting the mood up .

" Jason " Uncle Nate sighs

" Dad don't worry " Ro says and his dad nods .

Then they start talking about random stuffs , while the rest of us take our plates to the living room .

We eat our food and watch ,
" Jumanji " together .

After the movie ends , we all are already gathered in the living room near the Christmas Tree , ready to open the presents .

Our grandparents already left , which leaves Miller and Khan Family here .

I wonder what people got me ?

I got some interesting and emotional presents for my loved ones !

"Bella open your gift " Mom says ,
she knew I had my eyes on that box from morning itself !

I decided to open it methodically ,
but in vain so I finally tore the wrapping paper off and looked at the set of books I wanted from so long .

I have watched all Twilight movies but never once did I read it and
here I had the whole Twilight Saga .

I was so happy about it and excited to read the same , my instant reaction being hugging mom so tight that for a second , she thought that I was strangling her !


I am glad that she liked the book ,
I like reading books but she loves it so I thought why not .

After we hugged , I felt so happy that emotinally a tear escaped from my eye .

"I wish Summer was here" Ally says and everything turns silent , it's as if all the energy got drained out .

Miller family tenses up and Ally mumbles , "Sorry!"

The next thing I thought about was Royal and just then I saw him leaving the room , while Nate was comforting Riley and rest of them diverted their attention to their gifts to distract themselves .

After that Bella continued admiring her books with the hint of sadness that didn't go unnoticed .

I left the room , following Royal who was heading towards the terrace .

He just stood there looking at the stars and when his face came into view , that's when I noticed tear drops on his face .

Jasmine control yourself ,
that's what I said to myself because in that moment , memories of Summer flashed through my mind .

I can't even imagine what he's going through .

I hate myself for not being there for him for the past years but it was
his decision and I was no one to stop him .

Now that I know , Bella is there by his side , it's a major relief !

" Roy " I whispered

He was kinda shocked , he wiped his tears instantly and turned around ,

"Yes Aunt Jasmine ? "

"Come here" I said and extended my arms

At first , he was reluctant but then he gave in .

After a while , I felt him sniffling .

"It's gonna be okay . I promise ",
I say while soothing him

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