Chapter 4: The farmer can't sleep ;-;

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From that day on, Lan Xi Chen would come to their house every sunset to eat dinner. Jin Guang Yao did not question him why (he was too shy to ask). He assumed the reason was Lan Xi Chen enjoyed his mother's cooking and his mother was always very welcoming. They were like family.

"Honestly, I don't dislike it but she's my mother not yours..."

He thought, his chin resting on the stick of a hoe. "Hey, Ah Ming!" A deep hoarse voice called him. He turned back to see his neighbor, Uncle Fei. Jin Guang Yao met him a few days ago, he was a kind old man who lived alone.

"Here's some milk as thanks for the potatoes yesterday," he said, handing him a bottle of white rich in calcium liquid. Jin Guang Yao thanked him and took a sip from the bottle as he was thirsty. Despite living alone, Uncle Fei wasn't lonely at all. He loved to gossip about everything with almost everyone.

"Have you heard? The undead corpses killed 10 people from our village yesterday!" He exclaimed. "Oh my god..." Jin Guang Yao responded, pretending to be shocked.

"I don't know what have the Gusu Lan Sect been doing, its been two weeks and they haven't solved the problem at all!"

"At least, they're helping us..." Jin Guang Yao said.

"Many are dying even with their help. I have no idea what the Sect Leader is thinking but it's not working at all!"

Uncle Fei sighed before he walked away. Jin Guang Yao couldn't help feeling worried for Lan Xi Chen. He wasn't like this last time. What has happened to him?


That evening, Lan Xi Chen did not come to their house.

"Do you think something has happened to him?" The short man asked, while he had his dinner.

The old woman raised her eyebrow. "Ehh? You're worried for him?" She asked, smiling at him playfully. The son shook his head immediately. "It's not like that..."

"Then, what?"

"Maybe he's busy...or h-he got injured because of his job..." The thought made him furrow his eyebrows.

"See? You are worried for him!" His mother told, nudging his elbow.

"No, mother! Stop. We're not that close to each oth-

There was a knock on the door.

"It's so late who could it be?" The old woman questioned as she approached the door. She took a peek through the window and she widened her eyes. Quickly, she opened the door. "Why are you here, sir?" She asked.

There was grumbling sounds and the figure walked into the house. Jin Guang Yao looked over. It was him! Lan Xi Chen! His face flushed red, his white head ribbon crooked and he reeked of alcohol.

"Why are you drunk? I thought drinking was against Gusu Lan rules???" Jin Guang Yao asked him. The taller man did not respond, he seemed to be spaced out.

"Oh dear, we can't let him out like this...he should spend a night here..." The white-haired lady said, closing the door. "Let him sleep on your bed, Ah-Ming," she added.

"HUH? Where will I sleep then?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Use the straw mat."


"He saved your life, remember?" His mother crossed her arms. The obedient son went quiet. "Fine."

He supported the drunk man on his shoulders and dragged him to his bed, which was just a big plank. Lan Xi Chen groaned as he was laid onto the hard wooden bed.

"What has happened to you? The you I know wouldn't turn out dead drunk like this..." Jin Guang Yao muttered as he laid down the roll of straw mat beside the bed.

"Mmm..." Lan Xi Chen rubbed his forehead. His vision was blurry. "I'm sorry... I messed up. The plan... I don't know what's wrong with me. It didn't work so many people died...It was my fault...." He blurted out.

Is that why he drunk alcohol? He felt bad...? Lan Xi Chen....are you really alright?

"Don't blame yourself, sir. Everyone makes mistakes," the shorter man comforted him.


"WAIT? WHY ARE YOU CRYING!?" Jin Guang Yao panicked. The man in front of him had beads of tears coming out from his eyes, his lips quivering.

"A-Yao, I'm really sorry...*sniff" He whimpered.

Haih...He's so drunk that he's hallucinating...

"I-I betrayed you, A-Yao. I shouldn't have," Lan Xi Chen muttered as he tried to hold back his tears. He was so drunk that he saw the man in front of him as his former friend.

"...." Jin Guang Yao didn't know what to say. He did felt angry at the man but he himself did worst; killing, torture and even incest... Karma had to hit him back at one point. He never wanted to go back to that path ever again.

"A-Yao...I missed you, so much. I miss you," Lan Xi Chen said softly, wiping his tears with his sleeves.

Get over me. I already died long ago.

"Go to sleep," he said, tucking the grown man with his blanket.

"No!" Lan Xi Chen grabbed his arms. His grip was so strong, Jin Guang Yao couldn't move at all. Instantly, the shorter man was pulled into his embrace.

"Erm....sir?" He couldn't move an inch. He was laid next to the other man, his head resting on his chest. Lan Xi Chen arm's were around his waist, holding him like a teddy bear.

"Sir! Let me go!" He raised his voice, not too loud but enough for the other to hear him. He was no longer patient.

"No, don't leave me!" Lan Xi Chen looked at him in the eye. "A-Yao... Don't leave me," he said softly, his free hand caressing Jin Guang Yao's cheek.

"This bastard....Such a baby!" Jin Guang Yao thought, his face flushed red.

How am I going to sleep like this?

How am I going to sleep like this?

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The Gusu Lan Sect Leader is in love with a Farmer? [XiYao ff] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now