Chapter 7: Where it begins

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On this lonely evening in a small village, the small wooden log house had more guest than usual. Three handsome young cultivators were dining with the farmer's family. All of them exhausted from the whole day of work while the two mother and son were safe from undead corpses.  It was a call for celebration. The white-haired lady had served them soft white rice with three side dishes; fried golden brown beancurd, stirred fried potatoes and eggplant, and herbal yam soup. She really outdone herself this time, using the last of ingredients they had left to survive this week. After all, the crops were all damaged as a result from a fight between cultivators and undead corpses.

Lan Xi Chen couldn't help but feel like he was at fault. If he were to arrive on time before all of that happened he could have prevented their loss. As he sipped a spoonful of fragrant salty sweet soup, his eyes gazed towards De Ming, the old aunty's son. He was a hardworking and responsible farmer. He took extra care of his greens as if they were his children. Now, all of his sons and daughters he raised with so much love was gone just like that. The young man's mood was gloomy as he ate his dinner, his thoughts seem to be elsewhere.

"Wah, aunty! Your cooking is so delicious. I was wondering who Zewujun was going to every evening. I thought it was some young lady but it was you," Wei Wu Xian said, flashing a big smile. "What are you talking about? I am the young lady!" she joked, slapping his back. Wang Ji nodded his head with a 'mn' and chuckled softly. As usual, the old lady was quick to make friends. 

"I have something to say," 

Lan Xi Chen interrupted, his tone serious. He took out a pouch from his pocket and placed it on the table. Inside of this pouch was a bunch of golden coins. "I would like to compensate for your loss. We're sorry to trouble you," he said. The old aunty pushed back the pouch. "We can't accept this."

Jin Guang Yao was stupefied. WHY? MOTHER ACCEPT IT! WE NEED IT! WE'RE POOR!  He could only silently cry in his heart. 

Lan Xi Chen sighed, putting his pouch back into his pocket. "I knew aunty was going to say that. I thought of something else. Gusu Lan Sect is looking for farmers and  gardeners to take care of the vegetables in our gardens. Perhaps we could hire the two of you?"

"What do you think, son?" she turned to Jin Guang Yao. 

Gusu Lan Sect...I'll stumble upon more familiar faces. Wouldn't that be dangerous? But eh, they won't recognize me right? I mean, I look completely different...

'"We provide free shelter and food. You also get paid every month," Lan Xi Chen continued. 



The next day, they packed their belongings and rode a carriage to the Gusu Lan Sect residence, Cloud Recesses along with the three cultivators. When they arrived, the two mother and son walked out of the carriage and were soon in awe. For the mother she had never seen this place before, only hearing rumours about how beautiful it was. It was just like how they described it. The place was covered in thick mist on top of the forest mountains. Gigantic stones with Gusu Lan Sect rules written all over. It was like a place where immortals would reside. For Jin Guang Yao, it had been so long since he was here. Although the place had not changed much, he would still be stunned every time he looked at it. Unlike Carp tower, Cloud Recesses was much more calming and the air was fresh and cooling as well.

"Aunty and De Ming will live here," Lan Xi Chen, guided them to a small cottage. He placed their luggage at the front door. "If you need anything, you can call for me—And If you excuse me, I have some matters to attend too."

"Thank you sir for all the help," the old lady bowed, glancing at his son. She signaled him with his eyes. He immediately bowed. "T-thank you sir!" the young man said, fiddling with his fingers.

"It's a pleasure. Thank you for the company this past month too," Lan Xi Chen said, with a gentle look in his jade eyes. His hand reached out to pat Jin Guang Yao's head before he walked away.


"What was that..." Jin Guang Yao touched his head, his cheeks tinted pink as he stared at Lan Xi Chen's back until he was completely out of sight.
Soon, they finished unpacking their belongings. Jin Guang Yao jumped onto his bed in his room.

It's soft! So soft! Finally an actual bed with a mattress!

He was so happy he could cry tears of joy. Rolling to one side and then to the other side, he felt so sleepy.
“De Ming, someone wants to see you!”

He heard his mother call for him. He rubbed his eyes and got out of bed, his legs lazily dragged on the floor. He opened the door outside to see the handsome man clad in black, Wei Wu Xian.

“Can we talk privately?” He asked, his tone less playful but more cold. The shorter man agreed, without a second thought. Little did he know that he would soon come to regret it.
Wei Wu Xian dragged him somewhere, a place covered with tall bamboo. No one else was there other than them. The young man felt alarmed.

“Why do you want to speak with me, Wei sir?” Jin Guang Yao, innocently asked.

“You can drop the act,” the man in front of him said. “I know who you are,” he added.


“What are you talking about?” he questioned, his eyes widened in shock.

Wei Wu Xian, unsheathed his sword Suibian and pointed at his neck. “Don't act all innocent, it's disgusting! I know you are—

Jin Guang Yao!”

a/n: pls consider following this series by putting it on your reading list (public/private) :0 ! I try to publish a new chapter everyday so don't miss out <3 Also, stay at home and take care of yourselves!

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a/n: pls consider following this series by putting it on your reading list (public/private) :0 ! I try to publish a new chapter everyday so don't miss out <3 Also, stay at home and take care of yourselves!

The Gusu Lan Sect Leader is in love with a Farmer? [XiYao ff] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now