Chapter 15 ~ Well, This Should Be Fun

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Note: There were so many fun throwbacks in this chapter that I loved writing, I hope y'all enjoy it! :)

Episode: Season 15 - Last Call Pt. 2

"Look who's alive!" Sam grinned at his older brother.

Dean shrugged, "Yeah, mostly,"

"You hungry? We have, uh, eggs, pancakes, bacon."

"That real bacon? 'Cause, you know, you..." he trailed off then, eyeing the two of them before briefly sending me a curious glance as well and returning his gaze, "Are you two hungover?"

"We might've gotten just a little carried away with the margaritas last night," Eileen supplied with a sheepish smile.

Dean laughed, "I knew I liked you,"

As they talked, I sneaked a glance at my ex...and wished I hadn't. It was the first time I'd really looked at him since...

It hurt my heart even more to know he was just as gorgeous 15 years later as he had been when I left. The same exquisite emerald orbs, slight scruff along a perfectly sculpted jawline, soft and pouty carnation-pink lips, and strands of short blond hair threaded through with gray. He was older but...just looking at him still made my heart beat faster.

"I'm actually... I'm gonna head out," Dean told Sam, snapping me out of my reverie.

"Okay, fine. Just give us a second to wrap this up and we'll come with you," Sam offered.

"No, no, no. No. I'm... I'm... I'm good," he waved him off, "You guys stay, eat. It smells terrific!"

His gaze flickered towards me then and I held my breath for a beat before he exited the room. Sam followed immediately after and I shared a look with Eileen. I didn't have time to think about what it all meant though as my kids stepped into the room.

"Morning, sleepyheads," I smiled over at them, Yasmin immediately gravitating to the bacon while Roman grabbed a muffin like I did.

"What's going on?" Yaz asked between a mouthful of food, nodding to the hallway where we could hear Sam and Dean's hushed voices.

I bit back a sigh and shrugged, "I'm not really sure. Dean's headed out, I think. And maybe the rest of us - I don't know. But as usual, it's probably my job to figure that out."

With that, I hopped down from the counter, ruffling Roman's hair as I walked by him on my way out the door. He pulled away from me with a disgruntled face and a 'mom!' to which I only chuckled in response.

"You're good? W-What does that mean, you're..." Sam was saying as I stopped short in the doorway.

Dean sighed, "It means I got to... I got to get out of here, okay? I just... I got to... I'm gonna take a drive, clear my head,"


"Yeah, you know, you and Eileen, you guys are having fun. And Parker and the kids...I don't want to spoil that, you know?"

"They're your family, too, Dean. And they probably want to get to know you,"

Dean said nothing to that, his face unreadable as Sam continued, "Fine. You go - clear your head.... But take Parker with you,"

"Wait, what?!" Dean and I said at the same time, just as I stepped into the hallway.

Dean's eyes connected to mine for a split second before I broke it and looked up at Sam.

"Are you crazy or something? I'm not going with him!" I crossed my arms, resisting the urge to stamp my foot in anger.

Sam knew how I felt about all of this, why would he put me in this situation?! And Dean didn't look that happy about it, either.

"Sammy, I can take care of myself-"

But he wasn't having any of it, ignoring his brother completely as he continued.

"Park, someone has to have his back out there. What with Chuck on the loose and Lilith-" he started but I waved him off.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. But why me? Why can't you go?"

"Eileen just...she just got back, okay? And she's having to relearn everything - I need to be there for her,"

Despite my anger, I couldn't help but smirk over at my best friend before saying over my shoulder to Dean, "Sammy's got a little love thing going on,"

"Well, it's about time. You know, he hasn't had a date in at least 4 years," he told me conversationally.

"Really?" I asked in surprise, arching my eyebrows briefly as I turned my head in Dean' s direction, "That long?"

"GUYS!" Sam interrupted, agitation clear in his voice, " me if you need me, okay?"

A long sigh erupted from my mouth and I nodded as Dean replied, "Always do."

Trudging after my ex-husband, I waved a goodbye to Sam which he returned as Dean and I headed outside. The Impala was waiting for us in the driveway and as I climbed into the passenger side with Dean revving the engine already, memories came rushing over me.

"So if I get to sit up front, does that mean I get to pick the music?" I faked a smile his direction.

He narrowed his eyes, "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts her cake-hole."

I pouted and looked out my window, "I miss Sam already...and now I want some donut-holes."

The sleek black car glided down the road with Dean ignoring speed limits as always, the front seat falling into an awkward silence that I'm sure would last for most of this trip...

"Hey, Dean?"


"Can we get some donut-holes?"

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