Chapter 3

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Dr. Aimsworth's P.O.V.

I sat in the small cell with my other colleagues. The police began processing paperwork about an hour ago, so we waited.

We'd almost done it! Because of my technology we were able to rob all the banks we needed, and escape Ninjago City quietly. I would've left nothing. 

Alas, those damn ninja had to ruin it for us. They'll get what they deserve one day. I thought in anger as I continued to stare past the bars. 

I knew I'd end up here someday. In all of my 41 years of living, I knew I had to stay careful. Don't cause suspicion. I suppose I always felt like I couldn't keep that up for forever. 

I watched as people passed by. Law enforcement, lawyers, and even visitors. It was all quite dull. I focused my attention on a young woman in particular. She looked to be in her early to mid 30's. Mascara was running down her tanned face. I tilted my head, trying to listen for any details. 

"I-I can't believe she's gone!" She wailed to a policewoman who led her into the long hallway of holding cells. 

"I know, but we're going to show you the suspects that we believe could've killed your daughter. Okay?" The cop placed a hand on the crying woman's shoulder. Both of them walked away slowly into the hallway. 

I looked at my hands. So, she lost her daughter... I knew that feeling well. The pain of the loss, the pity that comes along with it. Absolutely awful. I still remember the day that my Katie died. I rolled my eyes, leaning back. I suppose I shouldn't dwell on it now. I thought grimly, trying my hardest to block out the life altering memory.

"Well, well, well..." I heard a voice boom. "Who would've thought that I'd see your sorry ass locked up in here?"

I recognized it immediately, my eyes shooting up at the tall man before me. "What do you want?" I asked with glare.

He continued to walk towards the crowded cell, and stopped to look around. "Quite a depressing place, don't ya think?" He said, a wide smile never leaving his face.

I scoffed, "If you say so."

My colleagues watched in confusion, and a bit of worry. One of them leaned closer, "What does he want, Adam?" 

"I suggest the rest of you stay out of it, Lisa. I'll see what he wants." I replied.

At this, she nodded. Flipping her long blonde hair, she turned to the others, and began attempting to shush them. Lisa was one of my closest friends. She was manipulative, shifty, and absolutely brilliant. She was the only other person who knew about my relationship with the man in front of us.

I stood up from my spot, and watched him. I noticed that there was a guard walking up behind him with a key. I raised my eyebrow with confusion as he preceded to unlock the cell door.

"What's going on?" I asked.

A laugh escaped from the man's lips, moving past the guard who had yet to open the door. "Oh, Dr. Aimsworth! I feared that you might have forgotten," He replied. "Let's have a little chat, shall we?"

At this the door opened. "You're free to go Doctor." The guard said, shutting the door behind me.

My eyes widened, turning back to him. "Excuse me?"

The guard shrugged, and walked away. Wow, nice response Dickhead. I thought.

At that, the two of us began to walk. I suppose the other was trying to find a secluded place to talk. After a few quick paces, we both entered a men's bathroom. Once inside, I took the liberty of locking the door. I watched as the man paced up and down the floor of the rooms, opening each stall to make sure we were alone. 

After a minute, he turned to me. That grin returned. 

I decided to start, "So, what exactly did that cop mean when he said that I was free to go?"

The man slowly sauntered towards me. "Oh, you know! I happen to have some... friends... in this sorry excuse for a police department."

I rolled my eyes, nodding. Of course! I thought. "So what have I forgotten then?" I added,  thinking I should just get straight to the point.

At this, the tall man stopped his movements. "If I recall, I believe that you owe me a favor, Doctor. I needed you out of here in order for you to fulfill it." He drawled.

"And what is the favor?"

His head turned, eyes glowing with wrath. "I need to... Erase a few people. As you know Dr. Aimsworth, I am an important man, and there are a few others who keep trying to step in my way. With your technology I believe you and I can do great things."

I stared at him, drawn in to his little speech. "W-well, what do you want me to do? Who is your target?"

He turned his back to me, walking ever so slowly to the row of sinks, looking at me through the mirror. "Well, first... We must take out those Ninja. Don't you think? They ruin absolutely everything! I can't let those entitled 'heroes' get in the way of my plans. After they're gone, these 'targets' as you call them will get everything they deserve. Do you understand?"

I nodded silently.

"So," He said, a little louder this time, as he turned around to face me once again. "Do we have a deal? Of course you can always return to that dingy cell if you'd like, and spend the rest of your life in prison with a bunch of lowlifes."

I stood, quiet for a while, deliberating. He is right. If I don't take this offer, I'll be locked away for the rest of my life. And... I do owe him for what he did to the bastards who killed my only family.

I held my hand out to him, determined and sure. "Consider me on board, sir." 

The man smiled and shook my hand. "Happy to hear it."


Hey, hope you enjoyed this unedited mess!!! Sorry y'all that there's no Glacier in this chapter! But don't worry, this is just a bit of story building, so look forward to the gaybies next week!!! 

Honestly, I just want to thank everyone for the support you've given me when writing this fic. I really don't deserve such amazing readers like you 

Have a lovely Quarantine (Stay safe) <3

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