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Scott graduated first. He didn't quite get what he wanted, which was a place on the canine unit – but he did get a job at the Beacon Hills police station. Which was exactly what he wanted, really – to stay at home. To 'Serve and Protect' what was his.

His mom cried. He got his picture taken with the pack, and Alison Argent stood to one side and clapped politely, looking for the entire world like the proudest girlfriend in the world.

Stiles graduated. He wasn't top of his class, he didn't get to make a speech, but the whole pack flew down to see him in a cap and gown. They had a party at the Bar Sanctuary where Stiles worked, and – at long last – Stiles ordered a drink like the 21 year old he was.

His dad cried. He got his picture taken with all his friends, and Derek knew that the waiting was over. Stiles was packing up – Stiles was coming back to Beacon Hills. Stiles was coming home.

Isaac graduated top of his year. Reever cried, as the triplets (Samantha, Dean and Cassie) tried to look grown up while holding their squirming siblings – the twins (who Reever had quite firmly announced would not be called Fred and George) were thankfully quiet through their fathers' speech. Derek held Stiles hand and prayed that Reever wasn't planning on adding to their pack. Logan and Gambit were both teething – and anyone with werewolf sense of smell knew that teething babies made the worst possible deposits in their diapers.

Erica and Boyd got married in a small, local ceremony. Scott invited Allison, which caused some arguments from the bride and groom, but was all forgotten on the day.

Derek didn't cry. Stiles did.

Jackson graduated – got himself a job at the hospital where Mellissa McCall worked. He hated every day working in that place, although Melissa told them how popular he was – how the kids loved him, and how he was always polite to the nurses.

He moved into the room that once belonged to Reever and Isaac – didn't hog the bathroom and spent his spare time babysitting.

Everything was perfect.

Nothing is ever perfect forever.

Dean and Cassie were hysterical when they arrived at the Hale house. They had been playing in the woods – not needing supervision, after all, they knew the place like the back of their hands – hide and go seek with Sammie. Dean was up and tree and Cassie was buried under some leaves.

Sammie couldn't find them.

"The bad men came and took her!" Dean howled.

They had bows and nets – and they shot Sammie in the leg.

The pack spent 8 hours combing through the woods, Reever and Isaac alternating between numb and hysterical – before Derek realised that there was no trail to follow. They called the police when they found the arrow, silver tipped and laced with wolfsbane. Sammie had been taken by Hunters.

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