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Stiles stood in the bathroom, staring at his reflection for a while, trying to see if anything was different. According to Scott, he should have died, the doctors who had been with his dad had seemed genuinely worried. But nothing was wrong. He ran his hands over his body, and felt a slight smoothness – like the skin once a scab had been picked off too soon.

How was he going to explain this? No one was going to believe that he was able to 'cure' 70% burns with tea. He needed to get in touch with Talon, with Derek – with anyone who could help him right now. He heard the door to his room open, and he froze in place.

"Stiles?" The soft female voice was very familiar.

"Mrs McCall?" He asked, voice still broken and harsh. She walked through to the small white bathroom and froze in place. Stiles stared back.

"Stiles..." She started. "Is this... like Scott?" She said, "Like a wolf... thing?"

"I think so." He said – unsure if Scott had told her about how he was becoming... more... than just Stiles Stilinski.

"You need to put some clothes on." She said, holding out her hand to him. Stiles didn't think twice, Melissa was like a mom to him; he took her hand and followed her through. She found him some scrubs, and once he had pulled them on, she checked the bleeding on his arms and hands where he had pulled out the needles.

"Stiles, I don't really understand what is going on right now, but I know your father is worried about you." She sat on the bed beside him and held his hand while she checked his pulse. "You were unconscious for nearly a week, Stiles – we were all so worried about you."

"A week?" He said, not quite believing it. "It doesn't feel that long."

"Stiles, you should be dead – people don't just sleep off burns like you had."

"I don't know what to tell you." Stiles said, holding her hand tightly. "You just need to trust me that I'm really, really okay." He sighed. "I don't know what I'm going to tell the doctors – I don't know what to do!"

"I... is there someone who can help you?" She said.

"I think so, but... I don't know how to get in touch with him. I only know him from online."

"We have a computer here, but I don't think I can get you near it without explaining why you aren't covered in burns."

"You could do it; you could go online and ask him for help."

She wrote down the site and password on a little note book from her pocket.

"Stay here." She said, walking out of the room. "Lay back on the bed and pull the covers up, so if anyone walks past they might not notice."

She didn't come back. Stiles lay on the bed until the small window near the roof started to show the light shifting from dark to early morning. Panic started to set in. He could see the nurses walking back and forth past the window, but thankfully no one came through to see him.

Going by the clock he could see if he twisted his head a little – it was now well past 9am, and Mrs McCall hadn't returned. Then, like the worst nightmare he could think of, a Doctor walked through the doors. White coat and id badge proclaimed him to be Dr Runningwolf – Stiles sagged with relief.

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