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Stiles sat at his usual place at lunch – not really expecting anyone to join him. Scott was over with Alison and Lydia - -he knew that Jackson and the rest of his buddies would make his life hell again if he went over there. So he sat in his usual spot, alone.

Isaac saw him though, and gingerly sat across from him in what used to be Scott's place with a "Do you mind?"

"Nah, dude." He said, trying to be cool. After all, wasn't Isaac the one who'd been spending all this time with Scott?

"Derek doesn't have your number." Isaac said apologetically, as though this would make sense to Stiles. He looked at Isaac blankly. "He wanted to tell you he'd leave something in the microwave, but he doesn't have your number." Isaac said, handing over a scrap of paper with a number scrawled over it.

"Okay." Stiles said, pocketing the number. "Thanks."

"No problem."

They sat in silence for a few moments before Stiles cracked.

"How are you liking work?"

Isaac's face actually lit up as he talked about Dr Deacon and all the animals. Stiles wondered if anyone ever asked him questions about stuff he liked, or if it was all wolfy stuff.

"I mean, mostly I just help clean and stuff, but sometimes I get to watch Dr Deacon work, which is so cool." Isaac said. "I didn't really think what I wanted to do, you know… but I'd like to be a vet." He paused. "A real vet, you know? Nothing… not like…"

"Like a normal vet in a normal town?" Stiles clarified.

"Yeah!" The blond teen smiled, so many perfect white teeth on display. "I told Derek and he said it would be good. I just need to get into college." Isaac looked down at his food and grinned. "Although that might be a little hard with all the school I missed."

"If you need help with notes or anything." Stiles offered.

"I take pretty good notes. Erica helps, when she's not helping Boyd." Isaac smiled. "I don't think Derek would be too happy if I started showing up anyway."

"Derek wouldn't mind." Stiles said, ignoring Isaacs disbelieving look. "Trust me. And I need a lab partner anyway, so why don't you just come over tonight and we'll go over anything you are having trouble with?"

"Derek won't be there."

"Is that an issue?"

"I don't think he'd like me being there without supervision." Isaac said, looking over at him. "In case something went wrong."

"Out of everyone, I think you are the least likely to go insane and try to eat me." Stiles grinned. "Come over, we'll eat whatever is in the microwave and get you into a Veterinarian college."

He didn't need to turn around to know that Scott was looking over, and he didn't need to be a genius to know he'd overheard everything.

'Got ur number from Isaac.' Stiles quickly sent the text on his way to class. 'Studying w him 2nite – food 4 2?' He hit send and pocketed his phone. The vibration caught his attention before he reached the classroom door.

'Yes. Be Careful.' Popped up on his screen. Stiles grinned. 'Will not blw up house w chem homewrk. Promise.'

The reply was instant. 'See You Later.'

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