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Stiles tried to avoid the werewolves of Beacon Hills High for as long as he could, but there was no getting away from Lydia – who had been waiting for him outside the washrooms.

"So, spill." She commanded, and for the first time in his life, Stiles didn't want to talk to her. The hottest, smartest girl in school was literally begging him to talk to her as he tried to ignore her. People who hadn't noticed Stiles in the years he'd been there were suddenly looking at him. Looking at the way Lydia was grabbing his arm and commanding that he talk to her.

He was doing okay too, until she actually dragged him into an empty classroom and slammed the door. "If you don't tell me RIGHT NOW," She hissed. "I will personally kick the crap out of you." She paused. "And then I'll tell the entire school you made out with a vacuum."

"You wouldn't do that." Stiles said, she was Lydia – she wasn't cruel.

"I will beat the crap out of you." She said, checking her perfect manicure before glaring at him. "I will not be the last to know what is going on this time."

"Look, Lydia." Stiles said, watching the flow of bodies past the window in the door. "I don't really want to talk about it."

"Did someone do this without your consent?" She asked suddenly, grabbing his arm, eyes ablaze with anger.

"God, no, Lydia!" Stiles said, panicking. "Nothing like that! I just… I don't want to talk about it."

"I thought we were friends." She pouted, and God, didn't she just look adorable when she pouted?

"You did? We are!" He stammered. "We are friends. It's just… I'm not sure… he might not want people knowing."

"Oh." Lydia said, then louder: "OH!" She paused. "I thought you were in love with me." Good old selfish Lydia.

"I was. I am!" Stiles said, then stopped. "I thought I was."

"Stiles… you're making out with a guy!" She grinned, skipping around the room. "Oh my God!" She froze. "You're making out with Isaac!"

"What?" Stiles half yelled, this really wasn't a conversation he wanted to be having.

"You had a study date with Isaac last night… and you show up this morning with a hikie." She stared. "I mean, he's super cute, so go you. But… Isaac?"

"You think he's cute?" Stiles said, before his brain caught up. "I'm not making out with Isaac!" He hissed. "Seriously, Lydia," He added when he saw her expression. "It's not Isaac and I don't think he'd be all that happy if you start spreading it around that he's making out with me when he's really, really not."

"I know it's not Danny."

"It's not Danny."

"You have to tell me." Lydia groaned. "I have to know first."

"Why is it so important to you?" Stiles snapped, temper getting the best of him.

"Because if someone says you're making out with a guy I want to be the one who tells them its old news." She said. "I need for people to know I'm still first."

Stiles looked at the girl he'd loved since 3rd grade and sighed. "Lydia… Jackson probably already knows, so does Scott and Isaac and Erica and Boyd."

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