Joseph x Reader part 2

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Noticing how hesitant she was to accept the offer, a sigh escaped from his lips but his charming smile still remained on his beautiful features. "Please? There are some things I wish to talk to you about?" He politely asks, his eyes were similar to a look of a puppy to the maid which made it harder for her to refuse his generous offer. Well, he has a point. It was true that they still see each other everyday thanks to her position of being his attendant but they never really held conversations that would allow them to be 'closer' in a way.

"Thank you, I'll take a break as well then." With a defeated sigh, she returns a bright smile. There was no way she could win an argument against Joseph especially when he brought out his special 'technique'. Honestly, who could say no to that face? Besides, there was something important she needed to discuss with Joseph anyways so this was a good opportunity for her. She wasn't too sure how he would react though so that made her feel somewhat anxious.

"I heard that tomorrow will be your off day, do you have anything planned out?" Silently praying that she was free for tomorrow if not he could kiss his dreams goodbye. When the maid replied with only a simple nod, the excitement that glimmered in his eyes started to dramatically fade away slightly, "Oh..." Anyone could hear how dejected he felt from the tone he was using. Joseph curses himself for missing the first and most important step, which was choosing a day that they were both free and instead of doing that, he went all out to plan everything for it to be torn apart instead.

"Only in the morning though." And with that, his glowing blue eyes immediately returned within a second as his head shot up to meet her pretty (E/C) eyes. (Y/N) did everything she could to hold back a giggle that almost came out of her mouth, everyone who had met Joseph would have described him to be charismatic, a perfect kind gentleman who could charm any lady at first sight.

While those characteristics do stay when those two are alone, (Y/N) was able to see other sides of him which most could not and that made her feel special in a way. Of course, she kept in mind that Joseph was only treating her as a family member since they have known each other for so long. There was no way Joseph would favour her in any other way right? Well, those reminders of hers started to waver slightly for the past few weeks since Beaufort's incident. She could never get that scene out of her head. Her conversation with Lilian did affect her too. 'No, no! Don't even think about it!' She scolds herself, hoping that her cheeks had not turned pink from her own thoughts, she hated how easily flustered she could get.

"That's wonderful!" Joseph exclaims out in happiness, he then realises how loud he had been and clears his throat in embarrassment, a hint of blush could be seen on his cheeks for a brief moment. Unfortunately, the maid was too dense to notice anything particular. "If that is the case, would you mind accompanying me to the town? I thought it would be nice to get some fresh air once in a while."

"That sounds nice. But I'll be in my own outing clothes though. Are you fine with that?" If she had to wear her uniform during her break then so be it, she was willing to do anything for Joseph. It had been a very long time since they had gone into town together anyways, she didn't want to miss this opportunity just because of her attire. "Oh no, please wear what you would find comfortable." He insisted, he had seen (Y/N) in the same exact attire for months so it would be nice to see her in other clothings.

"Then I will do just that, what about you though?" She wonders if Joseph would be wearing his former attire or something less flashy to capture the town's folk attention. She was familiar with what clothes he would wear since she was familiar with his closet. As Joseph's attendant, one of her simpler jobs is to choose what attire would suit him best for the day or some certain events that he would have to attend.

'If he's wearing something from his closet...then he'll definitely catch the attention of the town's folk no matter how simple his clothes are.' She ponders what she can do to assist him in this situation, (Y/N) has known Joseph for a long period of time to know that he would sometimes despise being in the center of the attention. Noticing that his attendant was occupied in her thoughts, his gaze softened and his relaxed smile still remained on his features as he made his way towards her. 'She must be troubling herself with something so trivial again, what should I do with her?' He chuckles.

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