"Yes kookie." Taehyung said sitting up.

"I want a pizza and a milkshake."


"Yeah, the little ones won't let sleep if I don't eat it." Jungkook said pouting.

"Aww, those little naughties. Don't worry I will go and search for it." Taehyung said slowly getting up from the bed.

Taehyung wore his jacket, took his car keys, when he remembered that he needs Jungkook what type of pizza and milkshake he wanted.

"Pineapple pizza and banana milkshake from the store in the end of the city, I am craving those." Jungkook said with a pout.

"I will get them as soon as possible." Taehyung said with a smile leaving the room.

Taehyung quietly left the house and got in his car, and started looking for what his kookie wanted.

After 2 hours of driving, he finally bought everything his baby wanted and took the road back home.

Only 5 minutes left for him to reach the house, his phone suddenly buzz, and it's the ringtone he put for kookie.

Taehyung pulled over and answered the call.

"Hello baby."

"Hey hyungie. Are you close to the house?"

"I am still in the store if you want another thing. What do you want?"

"Really?! Then can you get a chips and peanut butter? I am suddenly craving dipped chips in peanut butter."

"Of course baby, I will get them right away.

"Okie, love you hyungie."

"Love you too kookie baby."

Taehyung hug up the phone, and did a u turn returning to the supermarket 20 minutes away.

After another hour Taehyung finally reached home, taking out the thing out of the car and getting inside the house.

He entered their shared room, finding Yeonjun and Jungkook cuddling while having a cute smile on their face.

Taehyung slowly entered the room, not making any noises, and took off his jacket, planning to put the things in the fridge since Jungkook fell asleep.

Taehyung got back inside the bed pulling his son closer and cuddling him as well.

When Taehyung was finally going to sleep, a voice woke him up.

"Hyungie, hyungie!" Jungkook whispered shaking Taehyung lightly.

"Yes baby?"

"Where is the food?"

"Downstairs, do you want me to heat it up for you and bring it here?"

"No hyungie, I don't want to wake Yeonjun, but can you please come down with me?"

"Of course baby, let's go."

Jungkook and Taehyung went down, as Taehyung heat up the food for his kookie, then watched him eat with a fond smile on his face.

"Do you want some hyungie?" Jungkook said noticing Taehyung staring at him.

"No baby, enjoy it. I am full with just seeing you eat."

After ten minutes of eating, Jungkook suddenly started crying.

"Baby!!? What's wrong?" Taehyung asked panicked, keeping his voice down as low as he could.

"I...I just.... I just thought of the dog we saw last time, he was so cute. His eyes were so doe and... and he looked so fluffy and cuddly." Jungkook said tears falling from his eyes.

"Shh, baby. You don't want to wake everyone up, right?" Taehyung said wiping Jungkook's tears.

"No, but...but I want a puppy!!" Jungkook said or more like screamed, which made Taehyung put his hand on his mouth immediately.

"Shhh, kookie. You want a puppy? We will get a puppy. Just don't cry okay?"

"Really?" Jungkook asked with shiny eyes, as he stopped crying.

"Yes baby, we will. We will go to the store and get one, so don't cry. Your tears hurt my heart."

Jungkook squealed and hugged Taehyung tightly, but Taehyung stopped.

"Baby, don't forget the little ones."

"But I want to hug you." Jungkook said pouting as his eyes teared up again.

"Aww, baby. Me too me too. But we have to be careful not to hurt our little angels."

"I still can't believe I am pregnant." Jungkook said caressing his tummy.

"Well you are." Taehyung said putting his arm on Jungkook's tummy.

"I still can't believe it's two."

"The doctor said it's in your genes. You mom got three no wonder you got two. But I got to work hard as Mr Jeon to get three next time."

"You want more?"

"Why not? In 5 or 6 other years when Yeonjun grow up a bit and I don't have go to work that much, maybe we can work for more."

"And who will take care of them and the two coming up." Jungkook asked putting his arms around Taehyung's shoulders.

"I will. You just have to say yes." Taehyung said getting closer to Jungkook.

"Hmm, I will think about it."

"Think about it as long as you want, I will always be ready."

"What if I don't?"

"Then 3 are far more than enough."

"Okie." Jungkook said putting his lips on Taehyung's.

"Should we go to bed now?" Taehyung whispered releasing Jungkook's lips.

"Let's go."

End of flashback.

Bye 🌸💜.

Sorry if there is any mistakes.

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