'Elizabeth? Where are you? I have no idea where I am...' Theo answered before screaming as an electric fence was turned on. 'Don't look for me,'

'Your SUV, it's all shot up...outside the clinic..Theo you have a family trust me,' Elizabeth replied she wanted to go and look for him but knew that she couldn't not with all the turmoil going on. 'You'll know what I mean soon,'

'Fuck...it hurts...' Theo screamed, Elizabeth closed her eyes and tried not think of what was happening to him. 'Electric fence...I'll be fine go!'

'Damn it Theo. Fine, but don't tell Scott I was actually home...when you or he eventually get rescued,' Elizabeth said taking a deep breath and walking back to her car and realising that she had to see Melissa and sign the paperwork.

Elizabeth headed towards the McCall house, running into Argent who was leaving she looked between the two of them and raised an eyebrow at him. Argent offered a shrug and a smile before getting into his car and leaving. Elizabeth walked up to Melissa and hugged her tightly.

"You didn't tell Scott you were coming did you?" Melissa questioned, hugging her back before adding. "Hey,"

"Hey, and no I didn't...but I think he already knows," Elizabeth answered as the two walked into the house. "He called me the second I got into town,"

"I've got all the paperwork, Noah and I managed to get everything sorted without the boys knowing. With the help of your lawyer friend," Melissa said as she headed to a desk in the lounge room and produced a key. "First step is you're his guardian now. Are you sure about this? We're still working on the second part,"

"I am, I promised the kid that he'd have a family...or at least part of one," Elizabeth replied, smiling at her and noticing that she seemed a little unnerved by something. "What is it?"

"It's nothing, there's something strange happening," Melissa said as she opened the draw and pulled out the papers that Elizabeth had to sign. "Elizabeth, sign them and go back to Derek,"

"Send me an email with everything that's happening? And I will," Elizabeth paused for a second as she realised what Melissa had said. "How did you know I was with Derek?"

"You've always ended up with him...ever since you were a child," Melissa told her remembering all the times that Elizabeth had runaway. "Scott's like you that way. He always ends up with Stiles,"

"Yeah...I kind of taught him a bad habit didn't I?" Elizabeth laughed, as she took the papers from Melissa and looked at where they had been marked for her to sign.

Elizabeth signed the papers and gave them back to Melissa before she bid the older woman goodbye telling her the same thing that she had told Theo and that was to not tell Scott about being home. Derek in the meantime had headed to Brazil, which was where Elizabeth headed to meet up with him. When Elizabeth arrived in Brazil she found herself face to face with Derek, he'd been anticipating her arriving not long after he had.

"Did you do it?" Derek questioned, pulling her to him and questioning if she had done what she'd planned on doing.

"Yeah, I did...Derek they have Theo...he was being tortured," Elizabeth said the last part of the sentence quietly as they walked from the airport. "He's in so much pain,"

"If you had done something they probably would have caught you," Derek said, he'd read the email she had sent from the airport as she'd left him with her laptop.

"The whole town is turning against us, I need to work on something," Elizabeth said, she had been trying to formulate a plan in her head the entire flight and was coming up slightly empty.

"What have you worked out so far?" Derek questioned, running a hand over his face and taking her hand in his. "I know you can do it,"

"That I can use the telluric currents and ley lines to my advantage," Elizabeth said as she took a deep breath trying to think of what she could do. "There is one thing that might work,"

"You work on that, we need to find it," Derek stated, Elizabeth nodded knowing exactly why they were in Brazil and what he was searching.

Derek and Elizabeth searched Brazil looking for who was trying to frame him. They both had a fairly good idea of who it was that was doing it. Elizabeth sent her brother a text and told him that she needed him to convince Scott that he had to leave Beacon Hills, while sending Scott a text telling him to make his father think that they had all left.

"Ellie, do you think that they can pull this off?" Derek questioned, as they arrived at the hotel they'd stay in for a few days so she could work out the finer details.

"Have you already forgotten this is my nephew we're talking about?" Elizabeth replied, hoping that she was right that the kids could do it, that they could save their home.

"The stubborn McCall gene," Derek laughed, before they went to reception and got the key to the room. "What? You can be stubborn too,"

"Aren't we all?" Elizabeth said taking the room key from Derek and sticking her tongue out at him before running ahead of him. 

Stand Your Groundजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें