Chapter 8

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It had been a couple days now into Jenny and Chris staying at the resort . And Chris was already seeing BIG changes in Jenny already . With all the food being laced with weight gain serums and powders her body had begun to widen even further . Her butt getting wobbly and round like a ball and her hips and doughy tummy expanding outwards even further . She had gone up a clothing size but hasn't truly let go yet as Chris caught her staring at her widening body in the mirror one morning looking glum " what's up honey ?" He said wrapping his arms around her thick hips
" oh I dunno I just think this place has caused me to put on some weight .. I'm just worried that I'll look ugly by the end of this trip " .
Chris kissesd her forehead and looked at her in the eye sweetly " trust me you can never look ugly , besides the extra pounds look good on you "

He winked at her causing her to blush and crack a smile . " right moody it's time to enjoy ourselves buffet lunch here we come !" Chris said taking her hand and guiding her out of the room down the hall and into the elevator . They eventually reached the dining hall floor which was holding a buffet . As they entered the dining hall Chris noticed how Jenny was looking more and more like the other customers everyday admiring her thick love handles and thighs sway as they got seated .

*jenny pov*
I had noticed that Chris seemed a little more enthusiastic about my weight gain and honestly I didn't mind . I mean if he seems happy surely I should try to be too even if the extra weight is making me a little bit unfit . I mean I haven't weighed in yet but it can't be more than 10 pounds surely ?

The couple made there way to the table sitting in a secluded booth at the far end of the restaurant " jenny why don't I go grab the food ? That way you can just focus on sitting here and looking pretty like you do best" Chris said smiling and going to the buffet .

*chris pov*
I needed to make sure my plan continued going forward . Thankfully I think I've finally convinced her that the weight gain wasn't that bad and hopefully there are no scales in site for her to double check her weight . I grabbed 3 large plates piled with various fattening dishes asking for extra weight gain powders on the portions too make sure I saw a noticeable change by the end of the meal .

Chris made his way back to the table laying down the plates and presenting them to jenny " here ya go now eat up fast we wanna try make our money back from how expensive this place was !" He said laughing trying to guilt her into stuffing herself .
Jenny nodded and dug in grabbing huge spoonfuls of pasta and stuffing them into her mouth, her last pair of clothes which still went around her looking increasingly tighter with every bite . Chris grinned seeing her slow down and grabbing a spoon and beginning to stuff spoonfuls into her mouth . " Chris seriously I'm stuffed I mean even the chair feels a little tight around my butt !" She said fidgeting as her hips and butt expanded along with her boobs and belly . " oh cmon jenny it's just your imagination just have a couple more slices of this thick chocolate cake ! I know it's your fave !" He said stuffing the slice into her chubby face . She eventually got through the slices her shorts popping off her gut as she breathed out and her t shirt cutting into her arms and riding up to under her boobs .
" wow jenny you did so amazing ! Cmon let's get you back to the room and into some better fitting outfits" he said already ordering for her wardrobe to be updated with better fitting clothes . She nodded and took his hand getting up and struggling to walk to the elevator . Chris let her lean on him until they got too the room as he sat her down on the sofa and grabbed her some loose fitting grey sweatpants and a hoodie .
Jenny was now truly looking like the clientele .

( hey guys sorry for the very long wait ! I hope this part was worth it !!)

Being fattened : Jenny's story Where stories live. Discover now