"Pussy." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear me, taking pull from my blunt exhaling through my nose.

"Jeremiah you betta sit ya ass ova there and leave me the hell alone." Looking over at Jason seeing he was way more angrier than he had to be, I reached in my book bag grabbing one of my pre-rolled blunts and lighter handing it to him. "I don't even need-..."

"You do...acting like a bitch for no fucking reason. I know ya ass ain't doing all this shit for not forty five minutes so why don't you tell a nigga wat the problem is?" Taking another pull as Jason lit the blunt taking a long pull exhaling slowly, I watched as he lifted his left hand analyzing his wedding ring sucking his teeth.

"I think Briana cheating on me bro." Failing to say anything as those words left his mouth, I shook my head looking out the window seeing a load of people crowded through the streets as we made our way to the venue. "Used to always smell my clothes for perfume, harassing me to check my phone, ya know...usual crazy ass Bri behavior and now...it's like she don't even give a fuck. I walk in at 3 a.m. she sound a sleep, I have my phone turned over at dinner, she continues to eat like the shit don't bother her. Like she don't give a fuck about a niggas well being."

Busting out laughing not being able to hold the shit in anymore as Jason whipped his head in my direction big mad, he shook his head taking another pull of the blunt as I slapped the seat in front of me a couple of times holding my stomach in tears.

Jason has been with Bri since he was a Junior in college, Jason initially went to college just to play football but found his true passion in marketing while Briana was working at one of the malls a few minutes from his school.

Briana might be crazy as hell, but she been riding for his ass since day one. I love my brother but I would be cappin' if I ain't say I wasn't mad at Briana for finally doing her own thing. 

"Nigga if you think ya ass...even has a right to question her on her whereabouts and shit, you dumber than I thought nigga. To be the oldest, you sure as hell ain't been the ideal husband nigga."

"So you taking her side? If I ain't mistaken ya girl cheated on ya ass, shawty wasn't the ideal girlfriend either now was she?"

I wish Jhene could have walked the red carpet with me, but for her own health she opted to just staying back at the hotel.

Jason and I never got along growing up...shit till this day, but I assumed we could coexist for once but a nigga was mistaken.

Nodding my head laughing as Jason looked over at me with a smart ass smirk on his face, I turned towards his sending a punch to his mouth as he quickly grabbed his lip preventing the blood from leaking on his fit.

"Speak on my wife again and see what happens nigga, fucking bitch."

Grabbing some hand sanitizer rubbing it on my hands as we pulled up to the red carpet, I grabbed the lint roller from my book bag rubbing it over my suit once more before getting out of the car being bombarded with cameras.

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